Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bridezilla Takes It One Step Forward

 A true story from Australia...

A bride sends out her gift list on social media.

Amazonflowersus -- via Pinterest

Two questions:

*Doesn't the groom get anything? 
(maybe the floor tile)


*Would you follow her instructions?

Bridal flowers from knotsvilla.com, via Pinterest


Jerry L said...

I am certain that my $400 could be better spent elsewhere...which is probably where I would be, elsewhere.

Cheapchick said...

May the groom run like hell before he gets to the alter....

Cindy Brick said...

Amen to both of you -- or I might bring a dollar store present (ONE present) to the wedding, just to piss her off. Maybe a calendar of beautiful sunsets?

Funny -- for our wedding, 36 plus years ago, I took extra care in picking out cheaper stuff, so people didn't feel obligated to spring for the big items (like the crockpot). Some of those lasted for decades; our toaster finally went on the fritz after 36 years of faithful service.

Thanks, both of you, for writing.


An Australian garrison in Tobruk during WWII that became infamous during an 8 month siege against an armored German/Italian Afrika corps. Th...