Wednesday, September 25, 2019


We closed on selling the house yesterday.

Now to pay some bills, and as one person said, "stop a lot of interest!"

Finished the garage yesterday, including sweeping it THREE times. We stayed overnight in our usual spot, exhausted. Almost done with packing the trailer with the final bins and boxes, then it goes to the shop for a few days. The truck goes out for repair, too -- we'll stay with friends until everything's shipshape again.

It feels strange to watch the buyers moving things in "their" house. (Which it is now.) They're kind, friendly people, and will take good care of it. During the closing, they mentioned their other news -- they're getting married in the backyard on Saturday! Crazy -- moving out of one house, moving into another, and getting married, into the bargain. What a zany week for them.

We are exhausted. I can safely say that. But we'll have a chance to rest for the next few days, too.

Hope all's well in your world.


Barbara said...

Praise the Lord and congratulations on reaching this long-awaited day! Your back yard with the fantastic view of Pikes Peak will be a lovely (stunning, actually) setting for the wedding of the new homeowners. I am happy for them, and for you! Many blessings as you turn the page to a new chapter of your life!

Cindy Brick said...

Thank you, Barbara! Your moving experience hasn't been that long before -- you, of all people, would understand all the fuss and hassle of moving.

thank you so much, friend.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.