Sunday, September 15, 2019

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Back -- And A Delay

     We're home again, after a few weeks with The Mama in Michigan. The Brick fixed her kitchen sink leak, among other jobs. Charley and Ruby had fun racing around the barnyard; we had fun seeing family we loved. We were on the eve of heading home, when we got news -- the house closing has been postponed for a week. 
     So it's back to cleaning out the garage for the final sale, doing some business stuff...and getting ready to head to the Higher Ground Fair in Laramie, WY this weekend, Sept. 20-22. If you enjoy homesteading, raising your own veggies, doing crafts (including quilts!), and learning more about unusual hobbies, this is your spot. I'll be teaching a class on quilt dating and repair, and doing appraisals.


The latest sex accusation against Supreme Court judge Brett Kavanaugh? "The female student declined to be interviewed, and her friends say she does not recall the incident." Because she'd been drinking...and wasn't sure, anyways, that it was Kavanaugh who did it.
     Are you getting as tired of this as I am??

Living in Panama -- a 63-year-old teacher does it for $2000/month. We've considered doing this.

Eight swanky cruises to book -- if price is no object, that is. Sign me up for the Antarctica cruise anyday.  (We Hollanders would only do this at deep discount...just like the world cruise we booked. I'll tell you more about this soon.)

Businesses are arguing about slapping their name on Denver's Mile High Stadium -- including a marijuana company. (Oh goody) Personally, I'd run screaming from this; with very few exceptions, any company that does this tends to go out of business.

A pastor kills himself only a few hours after officiating at the funeral of a "Jesus-loving woman's" suicide -- and on the eve of World Suicide Prevention Day. A good reminder that depression can take us all.

Halloween shirts are out there -- like this intriguing one, from Rotita:

The mother of six who's been feeding hungry kids in her neighborhood for years. Good for her!

Sixty birthday freebies -- all you need to do is sign up.  (From Moneysaving Mom)

"What was the worst meal you ate out of politeness?" Lots of interesting answers, via Quora.

Veterans can be eligible for a free military funeral. Click on the link for info.

Six liars who completely fooled the rich and famous. Including one of my favorites -- the 'German heiress.' Who wasn't.  (From Cracked) Speaking of:

The guy whose band was booked for a European tour. Only there was no band...and no tickets sold, either. Results: a lot of pissed-off venues, and hundreds of strange social media posts. Not to mention:

The incredibly strange story of author JTLeRoy. Who wasn't -- either an author or a boy.

A dozen discounts for seniors. Take a look!

"Have you seen this quilt?" Sharon Rockefeller needs her "Flower Garden" (by Martha Opdahl) back. Hopefully she's found it by now. (From Pepper Cory's blog)

Warren Buffett's nightmare scenario.  Read and consider.

More wildfires in Colorado. Sigh...

The Buffs lost to Air Force?!?  Double sigh...not even going to talk about the Broncos.

The weather goes from hot (during the day) and blessedly cooler at night. But still:

Just a little bit longer, before the waiting ends and Fall begins. It can't come soon enough.

Have a good week. 

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An Australian garrison in Tobruk during WWII that became infamous during an 8 month siege against an armored German/Italian Afrika corps. Th...