Sunday, September 1, 2019

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Not Much

This past week happened. Sort of. Didn't it?

     We worked on the house, the garage, the trailer. I worked on work. We did some traveling, and went to a baseball game. The Brick fixed a leaky sink. (Not for us -- for someone else.) We sold the patio furniture. That's about it.
     One more week toward the house closing. So far, so good. Not much else to report, from this final week of August dog days. 
     At least Hurricane Dorian may spend itself out a bit out over the ocean, rather than on land. (Except the Bahamas. Those poor people.) The husband of a cousin (an engineer, naturally) was certain that the hurricane wouldn't smash into Orlando and travel across the land -- because their research model said so, in spite of all the media huffing and puffing. He -- and the model -- were right.

Just a few items this week -- I haven't been online much. More next week.

Financial abuse -- six women share their stories. (From Penniless Parent)

Dirty Harry and opportunity cost.  The lesson is a little bass-ackward, but fits. (From Len Penzo) Also from Len:

What barfing out of a bus window teaches about managing moneyHey, I don't make this stuff up.

Ten things you can get for free in September.

Thomas Markle gripes about his daughter. But based on her letter, written to him, he's really the bad guy. What a mess.

How to prepare for another recession - if it comes(From Jean Chatsky, via Hermoney)

"Why I'm ignoring Jean Chatsky's advice."  (From I Pick Up Pennies) While I'm at it:

"Six reasons I'm no fan of Suze Orman..." He's a little rough on her, but frankly, it's deserved.  (From Money Talks News)

"Why I killed Jeffrey Dahmer." Understandable (sort of) -- but still weird.

Money Magazine's no longer in print?  Really?! It stopped with the June/July edition. I wondered why an August issue hadn't come out...

  Hope you're having a relaxing holiday weekend. 

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