Monday, July 6, 2020

A Firing Matter

Did you have fireworks in your state? 

Some didn't -- ours included. California didn't...for at least part of the state.

So much for fireworks being illegal in L.A.

It was the same way around here in Colorado -- signs saying we had a fire ban, and fireworks were illegal. It's been very dry around here, and authorities were worried about fires. We think. Or did they have other reasons? The fireworks tents were certainly doing a bangup business, considering.

It was tough to read the signs while flinching from all the popping, banging and zooms going on around us. The basic thought, around here at least, is that people are sick and tired of being cooped up and told what not to do. 

     So they do it, anyways.

I would have liked to have been there for the Washington D.C. fireworks show -- 
it just was spectacular.

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