Monday, March 1, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Volunteering

 We're just starting week #3 in McNeal, AZ, working for Ethnos360. Although the desert space all around sometimes gets to me, I'm starting to enjoy it for what it's worth -- miles and miles of land dotted with brush and the occasional tree. Now it's starting to wake up -- one bush viewable out our window has suddenly greened up. Could it be spring? 

     The Brick spent last week learning to hang drywall, including taping and mudding. He came home covered with white speckles and splotches. I did some quilting stuff, babysat and made supper for a group of 15. This week, the Brick is back to working on renovations -- but I don't have much, so far. Another meal (for our landlord friends, who are coming to visit), perhaps some babysitting. But I do plan on reviewing a lot of lectures from Williamsburg's recent Antiques Forum -- and working on some quilts while I do it. 

No daffodils here -- it's too dry. I wonder if the ones I planted at our old house are blooming.


More than 300 schoolgirls kidnapped en masse in Nigeria...still missing. Could some Navy seals be loaned to solve this ongoing problem in Africa?

The DNA on a Vanilla Coke can solves a Colorado murder case gone cold since 1981.

Skiing Yosemite's Half Dome?? (Well, you have to rappel down the rocky spots.)

Three huge 'balloon cysts' removed, thanks to Dr. Pimple Popper. (Warning -- gross alert. Yes, I am one of those weird people who occasionally enjoys a good pimple pop. Disgusting, I know.)

Conservative returns and a steady income -- that's how to make an 'ideal' retirement, accd to Financial Samurai.

"Why we hid a message in Perseverances's parachute." A NASA engineer explains. 

Are there black panthers prowling the hills in Wales? This video suggests that they do exist.

"The pandemic purchases we most regret." An informal survey of women by Jean Chatzsky. Also (and this is important):

Many of your tax questions answered for 2020.

Five Oregon counties are voting whether to secede from the state in the next election -- and join Idaho, instead!

"Finding Motherland." A thoughtful essay from Colorado's ex-First Lady, on working, scheduling -- and trying to fit being a mom into all that. Working women everywhere will understand her struggles...and she had help!

Ten foods invented by accident.  (Or to solve a problem. From Listverse) If you liked that, you'll also enjoy the strange stories behind the invention of ten kinds of candy.

"Angels Day:" some Really Nice scrappy quilt ideas here!! (Thanks for the inspiration, News From Jude)

Four shirts, remade four ways.  (From Tea Rose Lavender)

The entire California school board caught mocking parents resigns -- good.

A very funny (vulgar, too) reminder of where sexiness can take you...a smart-alec friend reminded me of this silly song.

Holly leaves make a tasty tea??? ('Yaupon' is an American/British classic.)

A near-coup attempt in Armenia. 

Are men being abused just as much as women in relationships? This blogger says should be pointed out that she has a stake in this argument, having divorced in recent years from what she at least hinted was an abusive marriage.  (From Penniless Parenting)

"Mistakes I made when buying my first house."  (From Making Sense of Cents) Also extremely helpful:  "Seven lessons learned from my short sale." Sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

Dinners with only 3 ingredients -- 18 of them.  (From Pillsbury)

San Francisco cancels its plan to rename racist-named schools...leaving intact horrible names like Abraham Lincoln, etc. 

Why a passenger plane's engine exploded over the Denver area -- thankfully, the plane was able to land safely. Amazing.

A delivery driver who ended up staying with her recipients, thanks to the Texas storm. This one's sweet and a little funny, thanks to the couple's rambunctious dogs.

What was that Thing that zoomed past a plane in New Mexico? (The plane was traveling an estimated 460 mph at the time.) The pilot's report: ‘I hate to say this but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing - moving really fast right over the top of us.’

What are the two cheapest days of the week to fly? 

How to sew a turtleneck-style t-shirt. 

A very funny look at the Snowstorm of 2021.  (Thanks for the entertainment, Get Me to the Country)

Images of Denver's recent snowstorm -- the biggest in a while...

Bloopers left in movies -- a slideshow.

Have a great week. Sniff a daffodil or two for me.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...