Sunday, March 28, 2021

Monday (er, Sunday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: On Our Own

 ....well, not really.

The other volunteers left this weekend. Charley and Ruby have been sniffing around, looking for them -- and Ben, their resident dog. No luck. We'll be on the way ourselves later this week, after finishing up some projects. It' tends to be quiet here anyways, but the desert feels, well, desert-ed. The regular staff is still here, but we're parked quite a ways from their houses.

(Keep going on this road -- and eventually you'll make it to our trailer's parking spot.)

     Last week saw two families and a single man candidating to join Ethnos360. We met two of the three at a potluck, and they're nice people. But I will be very happy not to wake up to a plane repeatedly zooming by at what seemed like wing-touching distance. (One of the airstrips is nearby, and they were practicing landing and taking off.) 

     Where are we going next? Haven't decided yet. Easter probably won't be celebrated the traditional way -- but we will remember this holiday, and Christ's sacrifice for us. 


The Holy Sepulchre church opens, to celebrate Palm Sunday.

Islamic militants attack Palma in Mozambique -- dozens of innocent people are dead. Others, particularly young girls were taken.

Filming the movie 'Midnight Cowboy:' what a trip. 

Two-ingredient bread dough -- and a variation on it, foccaccia.

Easy instant-pot recipes to try.

"It's always an angry white man. Always."  And that was the final tweet of an editor regarding the Boulder shootings.   Here's her apology (sort of). Gee, has anyone jumped to similar conclusions -- but on the other end of the spectrum?

Some Turkish garbage guys who built their own library -- from discards!  (Thanks for alerting us, Get Rich Slowly)

What's it like for migrants at the Mexican border? 

Ray Stevens: "I am my own grandpa." A very silly song, to balance all the serious yelling and screaming going on about [pick a subject].

"Turn yourself in -- it's beyond time." The FBI is still looking for a missing financial advisor -- and the cash he stole.

"Child poverty in America -- what's it like?" Some illuminating answers from Quora.

Grilled three-cheese bacon sandwich. Oh my, Betty Crocker...

Here's how President Biden did on his first press conference: cheat sheets helped. He got some help, too, by not being seriously questioned. Here's CNN's fact-check on what Biden said.  Reports are mixed on how successful President Biden was -- but that's not surprising.

What if you went to Harvard...and your life went to pot, anyways? Financial Samurai speculates. (He didn't, by the way. Neither did I... Go Blue, Michigan!)

UFOs tracking warships off the California coast?? Freaky. ("Sounds like drones," commented the Brick. Except they were going Really Fast.)

"I had pasta tonight" may not be what that person really means. Especially a teen.

A whole list of interesting lists, from The Richest. (Warning, these duplicate some individuals. But they're worth reading through, nonetheless.)

Powerful -- but frugal -- celebrities.

Kristen Bell wore a $45 Target dress -- and 14 other frugalites.

Eight famous people who pinch pennies.

Celebrities who aren't afraid to visit thrift shops.  Led by:

(Here's the original version -- swear words included:)

Celebrities who save on even 'tiny' things. Shop at the dollar store? Oh, the horror!

A secret room inspired by the Narnia tales. (Yes, it's accessed through a wardrobe.)

Fifty box office bombs that really were good movies. Or so this reviewer says...we thought Annihiliation, one of the choices, pointless and stupid. Ishtar and The [new] Lone Ranger followed closely behind.

Ten gemstones with unusual stories connected to them.  (Thanks, Listverse)

Ten top investment mistakes -- learn from this man's blunders.

How to dye eggs for Easter -- naturally.

Now you can cook hotdogs and toast marshmallows over lava...if you're willing to travel to Iceland to do it. Yep, you heard it first here.

Tents for homeless people -- with solar-powered lighting. Designed by a group of teenagers...good for them. (I wouldn't mind having one of these, either!)

Notes from pissed-off neighbors. Some very funny ones, too.

Upside-down pineapple cake -- the easier way.  (From Foodtalk Daily)

And finally a quote from Anna, a 105-year-old, who, along with her sister Helen (107), survived a bout with Covid-19. Her advice?

      “Be good to others, keep good friends, be honest, love God — 

                             and eat lots of hot peppers!”

And on that note:

Have a good week. 

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