Monday, March 22, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Keeping On Keeping On

 Still in McNeal, AZ -- probably our last full week. (Maybe one more after this.) The Brick still has renovation work on the home he's helping fix up; I have some editing and some other random things to finish, as well as quilt restoraiton and a few appraisals. I've been teaching a quilting class here -- the first in two years, thanks to Covid. It's actually been more fun than 'teaching!' I discovered, once again, that I do love this crazy world of quiltmaking...and I still have something to contribute to it.

    The surroundings may be desert-like, but the people here are kind and interesting. We've enjoyed getting to know them better, especially our friends Allison and David and their kiddoes.

    Other than that -- keeping the fifth-wheel tidy, clothes clean and everything dusted from what keeps flying in, as well as what sticks to the dogs. (Both love rolling in the dirt, the stinkers.) It's also been pretty warm and VERY windy, which means open windows. And THAT means dust. 


"What habit did you start years ago that's now paying off?" Another great one from Quora.

Iraqui truffle hunters -- and their desert harvestI didn't even know truffles grew in the desert.

Beatboxing -- by a Brooklyn cockatoo.

An older Asian woman gets attacked -- and fights back. Attagirl!

Five weird Godzilla moments.  (From Cracked) Can't wait to see the newest G-monster flick!

Ten interesting facts behind Steven Spielberg movies...but they left out one of my favorites: Duel.  (From Listverse)

Is the eviction moratorium unconstitutional? The courts are starting to say YES.

Shakespeare's grave sculpture may have actually been commissioned by the Bard himself! (This would certainly answer a lot of questions about what Shakespeare actually looked like.)

Embroidering strawberries -- the Burden stitch.  (From Needlenthread)

Ten examples of government hypocrisy.  Just 10??  (From Listverse) Also from them:

Ten heroic wartime nurses. Stubborn, brave and dedicated.  (Are you listening, Congress?)

A great way to update your linoleum -- by painting it.

How the government got stuck with thousands of five-pound bricks of cheese in the 1980s. I remember this...not because we got free food from the government (because we didn't), but because someone we knew did! And they couldn't eat it all. Anyways, we ended up with some free cheese.

    The Mama said we also got some when she was single, before she married my beloved Pa. It was always this Velveeta/American cheese product -- good for mac and cheese, as well as grilled cheese sandwiches. It's probably the reason why to this day, I do not care much for this stuff. But if someone gave it to me, I'd use it!

An extremely funny 'Let's Make A Date' from Whose Line Is It, Anyways.

Toffee brownies. The secret ingredient? Black beans!  (Thanks, Betty Crocker)

Weird breakup messages. Lots of them.

Want to buy your own Scottish island? Only 80,000 quid. (Warning: it has no electricity.)

Don't apologize for following your dreams.  He's right! (From Financial Samurai) If you enjoyed that, try his post on F.U. Money.

Cinnamon roll pancakes -- yum.

A very cool way to bleach fancy designs onto your denim clothing. 

'Portrait of a Young Woman' really is by Rembrandt, after all.

Ten famous cold cases that could be solved this year. (I hope so!)

Another look at Dublin Coddle.  (from Simply Scratch I've made it before, but it may be time...25 more Irish recipes from Simply Scratch are here. 

And just to keep your Monday pumping, try this security flash mob:

Have a great week. 

Rain...what's that?

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...