Sunday, March 7, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Brownies and Quilt Restoration

 This week marks the fourth we've been volunteering here in McNeal, AZ. Some small things have happened, but we're mostly putzing along, doing what we should be. After a quiet weekend, the Brick has gone back to working on the house -- and I've got some reports to write. Plus some work on quilts.

     I made the Brick a happy camper, though, with a batch of brownies topped with pecans. (Our friends brought some from Los Cruces, which I've been snacking on.) They'll go great with the Laotian and New Guinea coffee we've been drinking...from the son of one of the Ethnos360 staffers. 

A WWII bomb detonated -- right in the middle of Exeter. England, that is.

 Ten places on earth with recurring unsolved mysteries.  (From Listverse)

A puff-sleeve cardigan you can sew...that doubles as a dress!

An iconic NYC boardinghouse for would-be actresses is reopening.

A poem about cats..and sleep...and the hour before dawn.  (From Paul Klusman)

Dozens of (small) earthquakes rock Mount Hood. Scary.

General Tsao's Chicken -- made at home.

A 15th century Ming bowl is going up for auction -- after being found at a Connecticut yardsale for $35!

Adding joy in your life -- when you don't have a penny to spare.  (From the Prudent Homemaker)

A secret message and bottle of whiskey -- found hidden in a house!

Homemade poke bowls.  (From Penniless Parenting)

Five interesting lessons gleaned from Warren Buffett's 2021 letter.

A dog learns how to jump rope.

A gathered-bodice puffed sleeve dress...and you can make it.

Congress is much more diverse this year. But as far as Congress Hill staffers? Nope.

The Vitim Event, back in 2002 -- a COMET caused all this damage??

A hummingbird cam!  (Thanks so much, Living on the Cheap. Here's the blogpost that explains it.)

Was Iran behind the explosion on an Israeli-owned ship?

What barfing on a bus teaches you about money management.  (I'd try to explain, but you really need to read it to understand. From Len Penzo)

"What was the strangest Christmas present you received during your adult years?" Quora wants to know.

France's former president is going to jail.

Another Viking treasure hoard discovered. This one was on the Isle of Man.

Grandma's best baking recipes.... although my own grandma would have dropped dead, rather than bake rum bars!  (From Taste of Home)

The California teachers union president leading the charge to keep schools closed, 'because kids won't wear masks' -- was filmed dropping his daughter off. At a private school. With a mask on, which she wore all day in the classroom, as well as the other kids. (Now he says that managing a small school is different than a large district -- which is true -- and filming him doing this was "inappropriate." But it may also put a fire underneath the teachers union, which says they're considering opening again in March. Teachers, it IS March.)

Have a good week. 


Jeannie said...

I love the tulips painted on the snow. That person has a bad case of spring fever. The worst case I ever had was when my first son was born in late October, years ago. I had stayed home with him and not slept at all. In late December, the winter gloom was unbearable. I pulled apart an old arrangement of silk daffodils and stuck them in the flowerbed in the front yard where the real ones sprouted. They looked real. Cars were slowing down and pointing at my house as they passed by. My mother came by and thought they were real also. She made my Dad go pick one for her and was not happy with me when she realized she had been fooled. We still laugh about it.

Cindy Brick said...

There is a yard down from our young friends' house that's got a border of iris leaves -- I'm hoping they bloom before we leave next month. The blue of the rosemary is pretty, though.

Thanks for writing, Jeannie.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...