Sunday, March 14, 2021

A Study in Weather Contrasts

 As of Sunday afternoon, 3/14/21, it looks like this up in Nederland, Colorado.

 (Up in the mountains above Boulder, where our granddog Karma lives. She's shown above, on a less-snowy day.)

Son #1 said the snow was "four-plus feet, and still coming" in Ned. It doesn't seem quite that heavy down in the flatlands, but it is still snowing there, too. Creekside Bible Church in Castle Rock didn't even meet today -- just streamed the service, instead.

And here's what it looks like at the same time, where we are, in McNeal, AZ.

    (taken by the Brick, my intrepid photographer.)

We did have overcast skies yesterday, lots of wind...and for a little while, bits of hard snow whirling about. Nothing stuck, of course.


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