Sunday, September 5, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Maintaining --And Stepping Forward

     Still in Michigan, but Colorado is beckoning. I head for home and the Brick on Saturday.

     The Mama is doing MUCH better. She is now taking care of herself totally, and starting to do the other everyday chores needed in life: dishes, meals, washing clothes, etc. She even learned to put on compression stockings by herself! A cousin has offered to fill in on any household chores needed, which is wonderful of her. (And she will be paid for it. I'll make sure of that.) 

     I have hopes that all will be well -- or at least better than it was a few weeks ago.

 The Mama's house -- and my ancestors'. Photo by Joy Richards


Classic cars, 174 of them, covered in dust after a decade sitting in a warehouse... all up for auction in North London.

The latest of JP Sear's "We Lie to You News" clips. Some real winces here.

'In England, the de facto Covid epidemic has ended.'  Hmmm.

The celebrity photographer who refuses to Photoshop his subjects.

Homemade Twix-style bars. These might be a perfect Christmas present.

'What would you do if you suddenly had no money for food?' Some illuminating answers here, thanks to Quora.

What people said and did, when they didn't realize their mics -- or cameras -- were on.

Pumpkin desserts for fall. So it begins. Noooooo....

The world's first hand transplant recipient just died, age 69. He had the operation back in 1998, but had the hand removed in 2001 after he refused to take the meds -- and his body rejected it. Go figure.

Bigfoot, being aggressive to hunters. With Son #1 heading out to the boonies this week, I don't know if I want to listen to these or not. (I did.)

Dog shamings. I know -- these are silly.

Two Shark Tank stars are accused of scamming multiple would-be entrpreneurs via two crowdfunding marketing companies.  This is complicated, but worth reading, if only to keep yourself or loved ones from making the same mistake. What a mess. 

A sad article about a pregnant wife whose military husband was killed during the Tabul airport explosion. Says her mother:

'My husband died when I was nine weeks pregnant with Gigi's brother, 15 years ago, and unfortunately history is repeating itself,' she shared.

'I never thought one of my daughters would go through what I did, it's unreal and it's awful."

Things to consider about moving your residence to another country.  (Thanks, Travels with Kevin and Ruth)

*She will no longer use capital letters, because...

dr. linda manyguns, associate vice-president of Indigenization and decolonization at Mount Royal University, said she was joining local leaders to reject symbols of hierarchy “wherever they are found,” and will not use capital letters “except to acknowledge the Indigenous struggle for recognition.” 

     Whatever floats your boat, girl. But people who do not know this will assume you are uneducated. And possibly foolish.

A cow gets stuck up in a tree during Hurricane Ida. Now aren't you embarrassed that you thought that cow-whirling-around-in-a-tornado scene in The Wizard of Oz looked fake? (This cow was rescued, by the way.)

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg has twins! Congratulations to you and your husband.

President Biden plans to attend three ceremonies honoring the 9/11 -- only a few days after he said he would order an investigation reopened into declassifying evidence for who caused the 9/11 disaster. (Relatives' groups told him not to bother to attend, until he opened up access to available evidence.) Let's see... there's no time to actually view the evidence before the events. (And I'm betting that it will stall until afterwards. 'Accidentally on purpose,' of course.) Secondly, now Biden can chance attending without having everyone turn their backs on him first. 

     Please, Mr. President, don't bring up your son Beau's death, then announce 'I know just how you feel.' That is not giving your people any comfort at this point. Think of them first, before your own pain.

'Told you so' moments, treasured.

Storm, the weather dog:

Shades of Bill Steffen's 'weather cat,' who kept showing up when the Grand Rapids, MI forecaster was on the air.

An easy way to get rid of mattress stains -- without washing. (I wonder if this would work for quilts. NOTE: I'm not saying to try it! Obviously, it bleaches, so would only work on white, anyways. I think I'll do some experimenting.)

Bob Ross:  the 'happy trees artist' has a documentary out that catalogs his personal life, as well as his techniques. Vanity Fair also did a review on this, focusing on the dark side of Ross' life. From the Vanity Fair article:

"The one thing everyone involved in this conflict shares—including the filmmakers and the audience—is abiding affection for Bob Ross. They feel so strongly about Bob that they may never agree who has his best interest at heart. 

     They love him so much that they can’t stand each other."

Yep, Kim Kardahian is 'listening' to her soon-to-be-ex Kanye West's new album... but on mute!

Could Oprah Winfrey possibly be fake? (Her friendship with Harvey Weinstein is spotlighted. Not that we knew about this... because, well, some of us are white.)

Four ancient Roman battering rams found!  Those of you who loved the sea battle scene in Ben-Hur, take note.

Burning Man goes virtual.

'What customer will you never forget?'  Yup, Quora.

Dalgona coffee -- a whipped coffee variation. Sounds delicious.

Save $10,000 in just a year.  (From Millenial Money Woman)

The Afghan interpreter who helped out with Senator Biden, when he and Kerry were trapped in a snowstorm years ago? He was left behind in Afghanistan, but Psaki insists he's being rescued, as we speak. (Stay tuned for future updates.)

Have a great week.

                                                 (Christina McGraw's Bigfoot cake -- on Pinterest)

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.