Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Colorado Fall

     It's been a quiet week around here. 

A number of chores needed to be finished up before our landlords arrive later this week. I've got some appraisal reports to finalize, as well -- and more appraising later this week. Meanwhile, we've been doing more playing for Worship Team...and the Brick has been driving for Broken Tree, a church reaching out to people with disabilities. 

     We went up into the mountains Friday, above Georgetown. The fall leaves are way behind this year -- only about 2/3 rush. (Usually it's pretty much finished by now. Something similar happened in 2018.) Nonetheless, they're beautiful. 

      However, everyone else and their brother are also out looking at the leaves. It took quite a while to get to Georgetown -- and a friend who went to the same area the day after said the traffic was even worse. 

     Is it worth it to head up into the mountains? Sure...but go early, to avoid the leaf peeper onslaught, and head home before sunset. Also, snow is predicted for later this week at higher altitudes.. Just sayin.'


An exhibit on the Inuits' role in finding the fate of the Franklin Expedition. I'd love to visit this -- and find out more.

Ways to beautify your chainlink fence. Including cross-sttich!  (From LisaPie's Musings, Ramblings and Rants)

Skillet lasagna. Easy, delicious.  (From My Heart is Always Home)

Pyramid scheme...or not? LulaRose explodes. Is it imploding, as well?

Dye your tights (and practically anything else) with Kool-Aid!  (From Upstyle Daily)

The ten best spots for fall colors near Colorado Springs, CO.

The secret to not spending.  A classic from yours truly.

A cargo jet flies -- low -- through Brisbane, Australia skyscrapers. It was legal...but I dare you not to think, 'Shades of 9/11.'

An INCREDIBLE chip shot...that nearly landed its golfer in Lake Michigan!

Stars that demanded major raises -- sometimes they got it, sometimes they didn't.

Gloria Vanderbilt - on quilts.  A classic from yours truly that STILL bothers me. Keep this in mind whenever you hear this self-absorbed socialite being touted as so wonderful.

South Sudan's being plundered -- by the leaders supposed to be representing it.  (From Aljazeera)

A curious gray door in NYC's subway that leads... ?

Past New York lottery winners...haven't always done so well.   But some have done ok.

The curious case of Colorado's Crestone Crater.  Try saying that quickly!

Is the Northern Ireland amnesty just another way for Great Britain to hide its wrongful actions?

Did this man know more about the 1990 art theft at the Gardner Museum than he let on? 

A fascinating documentary on the Bronte sisters:

This channel (Absolute History) has a number of interesting literary documentaries. Take a look.

Mrs. Boo-Kay meets the Queen of England. If you're familiar with the series Keeping Up Appearances, you'll find this meeting of Patricia Routledge and Her Majesty amusing, to say the least:

According to the video, the Queen Mother was a huge fan of Keeping Up Appearances, watching it over and over. The Mama is also a huge fan. (!!!)

Oatmeal raisin cookies -- with molasses?   (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Make a zombie tonic cocktail for Halloween.   (Or while watching The Walking Dead!  From Who Needs A Cape)

Or get yourself in the Christmas mood by reading what it's really like to celebrate with little kids. (I love this vintage piece from the Frugalwoods.) Or, if you prefer -- Thanksgiving.

A weird ragdoll found boarded up inside a house wall -- with a strange note.

Poke bowls -- made by yourself!   Or some other versions.

An early retirement fail -- or was it?  (From Retire By 40)

(If you're curious, here's this writer's original post about his decision to retire early.)

Ten people who sued themselves -- and some won!   (From Listverse)

Twenty-one billionaires answer questions on how they got rich.

Pork tamales in a casserole -- no husks!  (From 24Bite)

Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.