Saturday, September 25, 2021

Things I Don't Understand: Dogs & Cats Living Together

 Yet another installation in one of my favorite subjects. (Gentle Readers, you like them too, based on your visits.) This time, it's on those furry residents who share our lives -- sometimes for good, sometimes just to drive us crazy.   (Sorry, Charley and Ruby.)

That's ok, Mom. Get a little closer, so I can smack you with this chewbone...

We've been lucky. Our dogs didn't do this,
 not even to the 'whatever it was' who hung around downstairs.
(Read the preface to my Ghosts & Legends book, if you're curious about this.)

I've been seeing more and more pets transported this way.
Charley would love this.

Shameful confession: I sometimes give our puppies a bite this way. 
No, I don't use the fork again!

So close, yet so far...

What about me, Dad...

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go let two someones out, then get them a snack...

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries