Sunday, February 13, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Back to 'Normal' -- Whatever That Is

      After a horrendous few months, the haze is finally lifting a bit. One notice: cousins are now saying, 'You told me that already.' And I most probably did! 

      Valentine's Day is tomorrow, which will be nice. The Brick's birthday is in a week, which is even nicer. We'll do our jobs, tidying up and starting to organize The Mama's estate...but we also plan on taking at least one day to run away from home -- and do whatever the heck we want to. 

      That will also be nice.

      We still have some Covid effects, particularly being tired. Very tired. But we're past quarantine -- and the danger of passing it to anyone. So we're safe.

By the way, if you didn't watch the SuperBowl either...
        The L.A. Rams beat the Cincinnati Bengals, 23-20. Hoo-rah.

'Awwww' texts that are downright encouraging.

 Using your 'found money' to fight hunger.  (From Surviving and Thriving)

Is the game show "Wheel of Fortune" rigged? Probably not...but it's interesting that accusation was made after three people won the biggest prize. From Pat Sajak:

"Anyone silly enough to believe in things like that cannot be convinced of anything. It would be a total waste of time. I love how one day we’re “robbing” players of their winnings and then we’re “allowing” them to win. Some folks just have a conspiratorial nature..."

A US submarine -- caught trying to figure out what Russia's up to?    Naah... (wink wink).

Saving money on meat, fish and chicken. (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

A new, immersive Gustav Klimt exhibit in New York City. 

It's okay to steal from stores -- after all, it's happened before! Advocated by the same person who thought it was just keen to torch businesses...('after all, they've got insurance')...although when it came to burning her house down, it was a different matter. 

The 'crypto geniuses' who went from darlings to just a few short years.

Secret confessions...a classic from yours truly.

Just watched an amazing movie called Kesari -- based on the Battle of Saragarhi.

The film is based on the battle from the 19th century when 12,000 Afghans attacked a British Indian Contingent, which also comprised of 21 Sikhs who went on to become the heroes of the mission.

DNA discoveries that change how we view our ties to ancient man. Don't assume that what you were taught as a kid is now considered gospel -- it isn't!

Conrad Anker remembers his friend Alex Lowe...who disappeared during a climb in a avalanche -- in a cloud of snow dust. Anker and Lowe's widow fall in love eventually and he helps raise their kids -- and now, nearly 20 years later, Lowe's body has reemerged from a glacier. 

     (I've been following Anker's career ever since he discovered Mallory's body on Everest. He seems to be a thoughtful and experienced man who has an incredible amount of climbing experience. Unfortunately, after a heart attack, he is no longer actively climbing.)

Twenty best travel tips -- gathered over two decades of traveling.

Paraplegics that can walk and even bicycle...thanks to a spinal cord implant!

Has Captain Cook's ship been found??

Beans carried from the Mayflower -- you can grow them, as well!

John Wayne casserole. Beefy and filling!  (From The Kitchen Magpie)

Ray Stevens' quarantine song:

Have a great week. 

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.