Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Valentines Day -- Two Days Later

 If you've been married for a while...or in the same relationship...or liked yesterday's rendition, you'll understand these.

After-work shoppers, February 14

It's heading for the grocery store after a sexy movie, for us...

The Brick 'forgot' about Valentine's Day this year...something that happens now and then. But when 'reminded,' he brought up giving me an anniversary present two years ago -- and I didn't get him one! (Neither of us did this past year...snowstorms, plus preoccupation about The Mama.)

    So what did we do for Valentine's Day? Went out for breakfast...then took a nap. (Forty years of marriage will do that to you.) But you know what? I wouldn't want to 'do it' with anyone else.

For more of these, see here. 

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.