Thursday, February 3, 2022

Patience and Wisdom


It's been a rough week.

By the time I got home from The Mama's funeral last Friday, I was running a fever. 

We finally found tests in stock Wednesday. (Thank you, Rite Aid!) I was better, the Brick was feeling worse -- and we both tested positive for Covid. 
It would be easy to say I was a 'super spreader' at the funeral -- after all, I wasn't feeling that great at visitation the night before. The only problem: No one else attending either event has tested positive for Covid, except me. We have a ton of cousins here, and news goes like wildfire. I would have heard. (The Brick, poor guy, got it from yours truly.)

So we stay home. Pump in the ivermectin, and a bunch of vitamins. 
Watch a lot of movies.
And rest. 

We are facing another struggle -- Charley, our dear puppy, is dying. 

Mama's Big Brave Dog. A true gentleman.


Virginia Berger said...

Keeping you in my prayers for God's strength and His peace and sending hugs.

Jeannie said...

Oh my! Everything keeps getting worse! I am so sorry!


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.