Monday, February 21, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: What's Next?

     We're still here in Michigan, but talking about hitting the road in a few weeks. The trailer roof needs to be repaired. That means a trip to Kansas City -- not an enjoyable spot right now. But we can also head south to Alabama, Florida or Texas for the job. Maybe soak up some precious hours of sunshine while we're at it. 

     Right now, though, we need to continue working on The Mama's estate: sorting out 'the good stuff' from her books, home decor, fabric and furniture for a future estate sale. Her clothes and care items will go to help others this week. I am trying to go from room to room, boxing and sorting as I experience appraising is helping a lot. 

      I keep finding odd little treasures while exploring drawers and opening cupboards. The items are rarely what I was looking for, or expecting. Like my grandpa's auction poster from his farm sale, c.1956 in Corsica, SD. Brother's beekeeping certificates. Memorial folders from Grandma Cumings' 1975 funeral. Scribbled construction paper birthday cards from grandchildren...and beautifully inscribed books, including Longfellow's poems, from the 1870s and 80s. 

     I also found a pile of letters from Daughter #2 and myself; they were mixed in with catalogs and other detritus on the kitchen counter. Plus hundreds of smiley face stickers The Mama loved to use. These will go to grands and great-grands, to remember Grams by. 

      The Brick had a relapse, which cancelled his birthday party. His congestion and fever comes and goes, but as long as he is quiet and resting, he stays reasonably well. I do some work...then get really, really tired. I'm told this is normal for Covid. (Or did we pick up some flu?) We did our music commitments on Sunday -- but paid for it in exhaustion. 

     A friend died yesterday: Kathy Kansier, a fellow appraiser and textile-lover I've known since 1999. More on her tomorrow, as soon as I can process this loss. She was good, kind...and knowledgeable. I found out about others whose deaths slipped through the circuit unrealized. We lost two friends in Colorado whose funerals we were unable to attend...because we were here. 

     And there's February: cold, dreary, slushy, fall-on-your-butt winter.  (Yes, it is -- and yes, I did.)


A question to ponder: Queen Elizabeth just tested positive for Covid. Is she relating to her mum, who said, when Buckingham Palace was bombed during WWII:

Rather than flee the city under attack, King George VI and his wife Queen Elizabeth, remained at Buckingham Palace in solidarity with those living through the Blitz. This was a highly symbolic decision and received much attention in the press. The royal couple visited areas of London which had been devastated by air raids, speaking to residents and members of the local emergency services. The Queen took a keen interest in what was being done to help people who had lost their homes. After Buckingham Palace was bombed, she is reported to have said: "I am glad we have been bombed. Now we can look the East End in the eye."

Does Her Majesty feel the same way about Covid now?  (Like many of us, she probably got it from her family-- Prince Charles is highest on the list.) 

Just wondering.   Meanwhile:

The cat burglar -- who really is.   

Some Starbucks employees take a preemptive approach to protecting their customer. Good for them!

24 discounts for seniors...hey, why not...

One of my very favorite blogger friends, Jeannie from Get Me to the Country, has had a hellish month -- her husband nearly died from pneumonia caused by Covid. Godspeed, Bill -- keep getting better! (And hang in there, Jeannie.)

 Clamco, a new blog to me, mentioned the death last year of a blogger: Tammy, from Living Rich on the Cheap. I felt terrible -- we have been so preoccupied that I'd missed this. A kind and interesting blogger I considered an online friend.

One year of gardening -- in four minutes!

*Daunte Wright -- innocent victim? (The cop who shot him accidentally, instead of tasering him, as she'd planned, is going to jail for two years.)

The 'Jennifer Aniston salad' -- if she ate it everyday for lunch for years, it's got to be good.

Why did the "Birdman" disappear from the Denver Nuggets? I always wondered...turns out he was catfished. Big-time.  (More here.)

Food photography tips. Ever wondered about this?

"Why I like it when things go wrong on vacation."  Sometimes it saves you money in the long run!

Some sterling frugal living tips.  (From A Dime Saved) Also -- some good leftover rotisserie chicken recipes!

Southern Baked Mac and Cheese -- ummmm.  (From Sweet Tea and Thyme) Also: Brioche-style Buns -- homemade.

Dozens of frugal celebrities. Hey, why well as:

Big stars that live like regular people.

The genius Russian kid who says he's a reborn Martian. 

Living in a van. Many of the basic questions answered.

Two days in extreme heat -- and found less than two miles from their car. That's how quickly high temperatures can kill you when you're hiking, even carrying some water.

Tote bags and copyrights -- a revisited classic from yours truly. (It's apparently extra-popular right now.)

'I couldn't afford a big I got a tiny one, instead.'

The story behind some of the world's most iconic celebrity photos -- by the photographer who took them.

A Bigfoot Donuts shop!  P.S. They make little doughnuts, not big ones...

Not. One. Comment. From the Democrats who sat on committees investigating Donald Trump's campaign connection with Russia. And:

What in the world is going on regarding Durham's investigation...and its coverage by mainstream media?

Scholarships are available for students -- through the Horatio Alger Institute. 

Bratty kids who gave their parents no other choice. 

'Little' secrets you really should tell. (Because when others find out, they're not going to be happy.)

A new perfume smells like FRENCH FRIES -- and sells out within hours! No, I am not making this up.

Instant Pot Mongolian Beef. I plan on doing mine via slow cooker.  (From The Kitchen Magpie)

Remember the Dickens code mystery I wrote about a few weeks ago? The Tavistock letter has been solved... but there are still 70 pages of notes waiting to be deciphered. 

Fifty photos you should 'feel terrible' for laughing at. (They are funny!)

A man convicted of executing his sister -- and freed shortly afterwards. What the...?!?

Is Chevy Chase a jerk? More importantly, does he care?

'Open the Books:' a website that looks at public news and dissects it down to the truth. I plan on visiting this more -- you should, too.

Another boo-dee-hoo-hoo 'people are picking on me' interview from Anna Sorokin, the fake heiress. I'd find this person amusing, if she wasn't so clueless about the results of her actions.

An unusual new cat breed -- because a cat in a shelter gave birth to an unusual kitten.

Secretary Granholm may have ethics violations -- but her staff is too busy working on climate change to worry about them. Or so they're saying. 

Mike Pence's former chief of staff, on the 2020 election. (Some interesting comments here.)

Lesser-known ships that sank during their maiden voyages. (Ok, including the Titanic.)

Danielle Miller: Master scammer.   Plus another scammer: 

A 'spiritual conman' who duped clients out of money by pretending to hear from their dead children. He finally admitted it...decades later. 

Have a great week. 

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Thank you for mentioning my post. It was the worst time of my life but, God is good.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.