Friday, April 1, 2022

April Fool

 My dad is an April Fool.

His April 1, 1934 birthday (except when it fell on Easter) was a perfect opportunity for The Mama to play tricks on him. Which she did, with great enthusiasm.

Year after year, I saw her put salt in the sugarbowl, then watch him patiently stir a teaspoon or so into his coffee -- and drink it, with no change of expression on his face. This drove her absolutely crazy. Finally, I said something. "Dad, Mom's been doing this to you for noticed, right? Why do you keep letting her do it?"

He grinned and said, "Because it makes your mom so happy." 

She would put plastic wrap or a slice of rubber cheese inside his sandwiches. Sew his underwear or pockets shut. We even found a package of fake bugs, hot dogs, etc. stashed away in a drawer when I helped clear away The Mama's estate. (I remember her using the hot dog on a bun for him, poor guy.)

     The secretaries at his job at East Sparta Farm Supply would get in on the fun by leaving Dad messages from 'people' like Mr. Fox. (Yep, you guessed it -- the John Ball Park Zoo.) They're not the only ones who think this is funny. Another post:

I work in Sales, and it seems like we always have a new guy around April. I like to write down on a post it "Please follow up with Mr. Baer at..." and then the number for the San Francisco zoo.

The Mama has joined him now.  She probably pulled a few April Fools on him today. And he probably let her!

Happy Birthday, Pa.  (I miss you both, Mom. Behave, until I can get there.) 

           See you soon.

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