Sunday, April 17, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Taxes and Such

     Hope you had a wonderful Easter. Christ is Risen -- He is Risen Indeed.

Now we're up to our hips in finishing up you-know-what, pitifully hoping that the agony will end. Soon.

Our friends (who own the ranch we caretake for them) are back on Tuesday. There are a number of small jobs to take care of before they get home...but the work has to wait until taxes are done. Then it's back to the regular routine of tidying up, putting away and working again on appraisals. (I have a new one to finish up, as well as some restoration work.)

What a merry-go-round. At least it's warming up around here.

That sounds like a lot more fun than what we've been up to. (Ruby did this today -- woke herself up by farting, then stared at her backside: "What the -- ?")


A DJ at a fundraiser is slammed for being in 'blackface' -- only, he's actually black! did one of his accusers, a (black) school official try to get out of that miscue? By accusing the poor guy of 'black facing' his black face...crazy.

Koulourakia -- Greek Easter cookies. And they're gluten-free...

A 'historic' snowstorm bangs the American West.  What a mess. 

Will giving lots of money to your adult children spoil them? This blogger (Financial Samurai) says no.

A chapter from Donna Freedman's frugal savings book, Your Playbook for Tough Times:  "Challenge Yourself to Save."

No one can survive on $10,000 a month -- hey, this model knows!

A couple celebrates 70 years of marriage -- and she wears the same gown she wore at age 16!  (Gee, I wish I could do that...)

The ten spookiest submarines. One is at the Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago. 

The USS Batfish -- the Brick's favorite sub. (Not that one -- this one.) He was stationed on it. 
(His brother commanded the Pennsylvania.)

'Fake' paintings and sculptures -- that turned out to be real.  In contrast:

Viral images -- shocking, surprising, etc. -- that turned out to be fake. This is one slideshow worth flipping through. 

Eleven ways to make your cruise cabin (and other small areas) feel bigger.

Is Jack Monroe "authentically poor?'  I've been reading this girl's budget cookbooks lately -- they're great. (And yes, Gentle Readers -- she is. Or was, at least.)

Black bear vs fat pigs. Guess who won?

All right -- True Confession.  It's been a hectic and sometimes strange week. To keep myself on an even kilter, I like to think about -- Christmas.

     So spank me with a holly branch. It helps. (The reading, not the spanking.)

Ways to make it easier to celebrate Christmas alone. 

Celebrating Christmas in wartime.   (From the Austerity Kitchen) And finally:

More than 100 wonderful (and odd) details about the movies you watch -- and love.

Have a good week.

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