Sunday, December 4, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Where the Heck Is Our Christmas Stuff?

     I've looked and looked. Where in the world is my tin of Christmas decorations?? I have this awful feeling they're in the storage trailer -- which is currently in Michigan. Oh boy.

This week is looking for a tree, finishing off a bunch of appraisal reports...and maybe baking cookies. I got the Brick to watch a few Christmas movies...more are waiting in the wings. (Hey, we've got presents to wrap.) Million-dollar question: where did the movie Spirited suddenly disappear to? (Was it really that bad?)

            'Christmas shopping' -- Roger Wilkerson

Here's the Spirited trailer, in case you're wondering, too. 


Switzerland is thinking about banning electric car use, due to its energy crisis. Could this be a forewarning to what could happen here? 

Deion Sanders is CU's new coach -- and he's just hired another former head coach to be his offensive coordinator. Good luck to both -- Go Buffs!   (Update: And now people are griping about it.)

One woman's decorating plan for Christmas.  (From Southern Hospitality) If you haven't got her decorating budget (few of us do):

Eighteen things you could use for Christmas ornaments. 

'The Consistution is greater than any President.' Thank you, Elon Musk! Update: Now Trump is saying he didn't really mean that. Well, then don't say it, Mr. ex-President.

How traveling can make you richer. Provided you do it right, that is... thanks, Millenial Revolution. (These two people are some of the smartest at stretching their travel dollars.)

The "reckless driver" who creamed two vehicles in a Walmart parking lot?? A dog.   (No license. He didn't apologize, either.)

"Why would he, Mom?"

Movie 'mistakes' and bloopers that ended up improving the story. (This one's a slideshow, and will take a while.)

Nick and Mally -- a military love story.

'Revenge' dresses: a catalogue.

A freediver is rescued after he blacks out, 6 feet short of a world record.   He almost did it --  410 feet down.

A beautiful white ruffled shirt -- made by applying cotton strips. 

A monster wave hits a cruise ship, smashing window glass and killing one woman -- four others were hurt. I would be more skeptical about this, had we not gone through something similar ourselves.

A wonderful video that shows a year's worth of gardening in just four minutes. 

"I charge my family for Christmas dinner -- even the grandkids."  Really?? Maybe I should start doing that for the Seven Fish Dishes (Just kidding, Little Children.)

Wonderful bookmarks with tassels -- easy to make, perfect with a gift book.  (From the Prudent Homemaker)

A 'loving' memory of Alfred Hitchcock, by Bill Mumy.  Ironically, the director he describes as a 'monster' cast him as one, too. (But Walt Disney and Lucille Ball were ok.)

Magazine covers celebrities regret doingMaybe...maybe not.  But I'm betting Rachael Ray feels pretty strange about this cover. Subtitle:"The importance of commas."

The Texas oilman bazillionaire who had THREE different families.  Some curious details here, including a batch of $100 bills hidden inside the original wife's knitting yarn. (Found after she died, by the way. Mom had found out about one of the hidden families.)

The 1957 'Boy In the Box' has finally been identified -- through DNA.

The ten most lucrative art crimes in history.  (I'd add Jeff Koons, the great copycat artist who often doesn't even DO his own work. It doesn't matter -- he takes credit for others' or general designs. And gets paid very well for it, too.)               Also from Listverse:

Ten times professional athletes predicted their own deaths.

Weird Walmart shoppers. 

Ten incredible Antiques Roadshow discoveries. 

Sorry, former students -- you'll have to pay off your own loans for now.  (Like we did, quite frankly.)

Brigadeiros -- Brazilian chocolate truffles you can make. (Think fudge ingredients, but more basic.)

Crypto founders and their sad (not to mention weird) stories. Are we expected to be shocked, horrified or angry?? Amazing how these stories have a common theme: millions of dollars in funds just seem to "disappear."

"What's your favorite 'poor man' food or drink that's actually delicious?" Quora readers answer.

Five Days of Frugal Eating seriesThis classic is from Harvest Lane Cottage.

San Francisco's self-cleaning toilets -- more are coming. (A honest review included in this post -- by a girl who used one.)

Have a good week. 

You wish...

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Investing Advice: Uncertain Times

 -- from one of the Great Ones, Warren Buffett. *Stay calm.  and: *Don't let fear control you.       (or over-optimism, for that matter....