Monday, December 26, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Resting Up From Christmas

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas. 

     We sang for Christmas Eve, then warbled a bit for friends who had to stay home. Christmas Day, we went to church, had brunch with friends...then spent the evening with Daughter #2 and Son #1 in their cabin up in the mountains. A cold wind roared through the trees, and it was starting to snow. Inside, it was cozy inside, with a fire going. ('I don't think the raccoons are in the chimney anymore,' Son #1 said. 'But I made a small fire at first, just in case.' !!!!!)  A railroad train spun its way around their tree, and Granddog Freya was full of feisty energy.

    We rattled our way home, filled with smoked turkey, mashed potatoes, a chocolate or two...and our kids' love. It was just what we needed.


Donna Freedman's Christmas experience -- and her first tree.

'Easy Budget Recipes' - an interesting blog I' just found. 

A Christmas dinner for six: a bit over $20, thanks to Dollar Tree items. Maybe this will come in handy for New Year's.

Some of the best videos of 2022 -- including a close call with a Great White...and a very foolish diver.

Hell DID freeze over at Christmas this year!   Hell, Michigan, that is...

Getting stuck in a Target because of a blizzard. It actually sounds like fun. 

'Posset' -- an old-fashioned creamy dessert.  (From Masterpieces of My Life)

Arctic sea smoke -- on Lake Michigan near Chicago.

Record food bank lines in Phoenix. It's estimated that residents there are averaging $900 more in expenses monthly than two years ago.  Mr. President... any comments?

'Respected' artists who acted like jerks. Speaking of that...

The 'Moriarty of Fakers' buddy, an art dealer, is charged with the "theft of the century."

Investment winners and losers of 2022.  (From White Coat Investor)

Casa Bonita, a Denver landmark, is reopening finally -- in May 2023!

Elf on a shelf display ideas -- and boy, are they rude.

Do you have trouble with your ears on plane flights?  Here are some tips that might help...this is an ongoing issue in our high-altitude state. 

Funny signs -- and no jumping from page to page to read them.

Chicken potpie soup -- with a clever topping idea.

Ten best soups of the year -- some really good ones!

English plum pudding -- the recipe, plus an intriguing story of how it saved a ship. 

A message for others who no longer have their parents here for Christmas. We can relate. With The Mama's death in January, we're now both orphans. 

How the latest blizzard hit South Dakota truck drivers.  (Yes, it was bad, especially for the Dakotas...but it certainly wasn't the Worst Ever, in spite of the weather pundits' announcements.)

One of my favorite bloggers, Jeannie of Get Me to the Country, just lost her beloved Scooter. I have so enjoyed reading about adventures from his viewpoint. (I can relate more than most -- we lost our beloved Charley only a few weeks after The Mama died.) Jeannie is going through the same heartbreak. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Ah friend, I have tears in my eyes, typing this...

The Republican counter-report to the Jan. 6 committee report. (Two of the five were supposed to sit on the committee until Nancy Pelosi refused; the other three resigned in protest.) According to this one, there's somembody else who should be held accountable for her activities before and after Jan. 6. Hmmm...

Kari Lake wins her opportunity in court. I don't know what to think about this. Generally I'd say, 'Suck it up and accept the results.' But there were definitely some odd things happening in the Arizona elections -- including one candidate being the official 'certifier' for election results. And I have found Lake quite interesting (and intelligent). Does she have a chance? Is she right?? That I can't tell.

Ten 'foreign' foods that are actually American inventions/variations.

Ten reviews by unhappy tourists visiting Colorado. (They're actually quite funny - for those of us who live here.) Like these gems:

Rocky Mountain National Park: "Too many rocks! Too many mountains! The mountains were too big. Didn't see any wildlife. A total lack of fast food options," 1 star, Alex F.

The Great Sand Dunes National Park: "We thought this would be a fun family trip. Sand got everywhere. It was super hot, and we couldn't find a single refreshment stand. Cell phone coverage was horrible," 1 star, Jeffery F.

Good. Maybe that will mean fewer tourists in 2023!

The JFK assassination files are finally released.

Some very funny airline pilot announcements.

Archaeological discoveries from 2022 -- and there are some doozies.

Colorado drivers will get to pay $29 extra on their license fees...if they so choose. (It CAN be declined.)

On that cheerful note... stay warm, and have a great week. 


Jeannie said...

Thank you for thinking about me and especially for the prayer request. It has been a horrible month and doesn't seem to be improving much. I know the sun will shine again. I just have to hold on and not lose faith.

Cindy Brick said...

Jeannie, I understand, too. I hope that helps -- that others have stumbled down the same dark path you've been forced to walk lately.

It WILL get better, and a little easier. I promise.

Investing Advice: Uncertain Times

 -- from one of the Great Ones, Warren Buffett. *Stay calm.  and: *Don't let fear control you.       (or over-optimism, for that matter....