Friday, September 15, 2023

Sharks and Whales Post Redux

 This post was such a favorite with you, Gentle Readers.... that it was hacked. 

I deleted the original, and thought I'd send it back through via a new file. So enjoy...if you're a shark-lover like me. 

-----------------this originally ran in July 2022 --------------------------------

 It's Shark Week this week. 

    No, it's not celebrating Son #1, the cardshark. (Who's really good at it, by the way.)

Not these guys, either.

The Discovery Channel started this 'tradition' back in 1988, in honor of our oceanside chompers. Frankly, I thought the original Jaws movie was stupid. What idiots would go out in the water, and seemingly ASK for the shark to get them? 

But I kind of enjoy the tension of other shark-related movies. Will the hero/heroine get away? Get chomped? What about the little kid? (There's always one, staring wide-eyed at what's going on. Or a clueless bimbo. In a bikini.) Who's next on the list? Deep Blue Sea's got my overall vote... because you not only have the Mama (who's terrifying)...but a whole shiver of babies

And they're all hungry.

Here's a taste.... brrrrrr.

And then there's Sharknado -- which assumes that windspouts will pick up sharks and ptooie them all over the landscape. (Which has actually happened at least once.)

Where they can then be dispatched by chainsaw.

There are six of these. And I've watched every one. 

I know. Pathetic. The Brick thinks my love of shark movies, from The Shallows to The Meg, is silly. I don't care -- as long as he'll watch them with me. Big sighs and eyes rolled back to the ceiling are tolerated. After all, he's the one who grew up oceanside in Jacksonville, North Carolina -- not me.

Then again, there's the whole business of whale movies -- which he enjoys!

Okay, I do, too...

Maybe you don't know much about sharks. No matter -- there are plenty of creepy news flashes out there right now to give you a shiver...

Or a whale in Massachusetts -- that promptly jumped on top of a fishing boat. (It's ok -- didn't sink. The boat, that is.)

The Great White that was supposed to be feeding on a school of smaller fish -- but got real interested in the diver, instead. 

Or just playing tag. The scary way.

Fix yourself a 'Blood in the Water' shark drink, and settle down to enjoy these fishy bits and pieces. Chum, if you will. (Jello shots a la predator are nice, too.)

Who knows -- you may enjoy Shark Week. Just don't bite off more than you can chew.

                   SNL fans should get that last one. 

2022 either, for that matter.

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