Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sunday (er, Monday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Senior Citizenry, Here We Come

    It was my birthday last week. I now know the joys of turning 65 and being eligible for Medicare. Unfortunately, that also means umpteen phone calls, commercials, etc. trying to persuade me to sign up with them for Medicare D. The Brick, being older, has been deluged with it for years. Now I know the great joy of listening to people who unleash a barrage of numbers, figures, etc...then expect me to wilt.

    They don't know this girl very well. She may have barely passed math in high school -- but is still capable of making up her own mind. Fellow Medicare-ers...don't let yourself get talked into anything you don't exactly understand. 

And thank you, Gentle Readers, a number of whom wished me Happy Birthday wishes on Facebook. 

Jim Smith sent me this very funny video on Facebook.  (Thanks, Jim!)

And Daughter #1 thoughtfully passed on an opera featuring dancing chickens. (Thanks, Lovey!) 

No, I am not making this up. This is what heredity gets you. Pass on the quirky genes...and they eventually return. 

Oh my.

P.S. Michigan's Wolverines stomped their opponents. (Rutgers)
 Colorado's Buffs, on the other hand, got stomped by their opponents (Oregon). 
                      So much for the college ball report.


Some very interesting -- and thoughtful hotel innovations.   Does this mean they actually value their customers??

A journalist apologizes for screwing up -- and he's right!  Good for him. Other journalists, are you listening? 

Was Ray Epps a planted FBI informant? Now he's pled guilty to a misdemeanor connected to Jan. 6. What seems odd is that he was filmed being much more involved than a number of people who've actually gone to jail for their actions that day. Hmmm...

A Michigan toddler wanders off into the woods...found hours later sleeping peacefully, using one family dog as a pillow. The other dog snuggled up next to her.  Good dogs!!!

The Denver Art Museum removes a high-end donor's (and "esteemed scholar") name from the museum...because turns out she was involved in moving some looted Cambodian artifacts. ( case you're wondering, they returned some of the artifacts, too. But not all of them. Yet.)

Here's Part I of her story. It's not a pretty one. A much longer article about the whole affair. (This does make me wonder if DAM struck some kind of deal with the feds, so they couldn't be sued for being a fence for Bunker and her dealer friend, Latchford. Both are conveniently dead, by the way.)

First date stories. 

Firecracker and Wanderer had a baby! These financial bloggers also have an interesting travel series.

Balmain collection originals -- hijacked and stolen on their way to a Paris fashion show.

Photos from drones.  Some strange ones, too.

Arrested -- and finally cleared -- for 'silently praying' outside an abortion clinic. It took SIX months for the investigation to finish -- but hey, she got an apology from the police.  Incredible.

A copycat recipe for Cracker Barrel's famous hashbrown casserole. Yum.

Fourteen times movies affected popular culture... in odd little ways.

HOA horror stories.   Most of the properties around Fort Garland had HOAs connected to them -- many connected with Forbes Ranch. We were soooo grateful to find a place that was HOA-free. 

A fascinating (and long) look at Errol Flynn and his various quirks and foibles.

A clever calculator that lets you see how long it will take to repay your mortgage. (Found it, thanks to Brandy at The Prudent Homemaker.)

Valuable things -- worth millions! -- found in abandoned places. Including a step-by-step story on the discovery of one safe.

A Colorado 'parental evaluator' tries desperately to hide some very large closet skeletons. (It's not working, Honey. Word is spreading.)

Steven Sund, former chief of Capital police during the Jan. 6 event, testifies before the House committee. And he has some very interesting things to say. 

D-I-V-O-R-C-E.  A classic from yours truly.

She finally got her designer creations back -- literally years after Sam Brinton stole them!

An interesting classic, funny but with a sting -- Ray Stevens' Obama (er, Biden) Budget Plan.

Was the program 'Ancient Aliens' actually right?  These accounts suggest it was. (Or might be, at least.)

UFO reports -- from pilots and astronauts. Unsettling.

Weird things found at the bottom of the Great Lakes.  A 1910 locomotive??

Spend with Pennies, an interesting budget blog I just stumbled on. It includes frugal tips, recipes and such.

The oldest foods ever discovered -- are some still edible?

Amazing historical places and artifacts -- now destroyed, thanks for terrorists.

A Danish artist has to pay back his fee -- after he submits BLANK CANVASES to the museum.  Shades of John Cage, who sat at the piano during a performance -- never played a note -- then took a bow. People actually clapped!

Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.