Wednesday, October 4, 2023

All Things Pumpkin - And Updates

 Oooh, I just luvvvv pumpkin. 

(Not really.) 

Before I launch my annual diatribe against pumpkin spice coffee, tea, cookies and whatever, I thought you'd be wondering what's happening at the Brick fifth-wheel.

*We had a home inspection and radon test done at the Fort Garland house last week. The results were generally what we knew already -- that the upstairs windows are fogged over and need replacing. Shingles are gone from the barn roof, and the back wall isn't painted. At all. (I am embarrassed to admit I didn't even notice this until the report!) There are some other items that need fixing and/or painting. 

*The 'objection statement' was due yesterday. The Brick spent hours checking and getting estimates before sending that out. Now on to:

*Insurance for house, the fifth-wheel and the truck. 

*Firming up hunting plans for next week. 

Meanwhile, I've been doing some appraisals, working on reports and trying to figure out royalty statements. More appraisals tomorrow. I staggered home tonight in time to put some potatoes and pork chops in the oven to bake. Then a footrub and hot shower. 

I'll stay put next week with Ruby while the Brick goes out with our friends, hoping for a nice fat elk. 

Exciting, huh?

We are making progress, though. 

Now on to that wonderful (gag) fall flavor. I do have friends who love it. Poor things.

Our chickens loved pumpkins...especially when they got soft and mushy.

Enjoy, pumpkin-lovers everywhere. Meanwhile, I'll wait for Thanksgiving-- and pumpkin pie.

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