Monday, October 23, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Prep, Work -- and Both

    Can someone tell me why we are inundated with potato bugs, when I planted no potatoes? And the garden was a no-show, anyways. These little guys, who resemble ladybugs, have been all over, crawling on everything. Including us. And the beetles and flies aren't far behind. 

    The Brick is home from hunting -- safe and sound, and a little muddy. (The snow did that to the mountain roads.) No animals brought back, but I don't care. Just glad he's back. 

Michigan won. (Big-time. Boo ya, cousins who went to Michigan State!) The Denver Broncos won. (Gasp.) The CU Buffaloes didn't play. Guess they realized we didn't need any more drama in our lives right now. 

    We have roughly a week, plus a couple of days, before closing on the new house. Lots of work to get done before then. Our lovely fall leaves are fall-ing (!!) fast. The usual Halloween time storm is due in a little early this year -- on Sunday. But that's okay...the Brick, along with a friend, is taking a load of furniture down to the new house on Tuesday. It'll be colder -- but dry. 


'Are you going to shoot us?' This cop's response to a little girl.

Delivery man pet encounters:

Shaun King puts out another 'little' white lie -- this time, about helping free American hostages in Gaza. The hostages themselves say he didn't:

'Our family does not and did not have anything to do with him, neither directly nor indirectly,' they told TMZ. 'Not to him and not to anything he claims to represent.'

Needless to say, King disagrees. After all, he did talk to the brother!

Can extinct animals be cloned...and revived? 

A shipwreck -- found underneath a Florida highway!

Make your hair curlier while blow-drying -- by using a pasta drainer!  (No, I am not making this up.)

Five secrets that make it easier to climb Mt. Everest.  I knew you were planning on doing this soon...

Mysterious radio bursts from outside the solar system -- what's happening, and why?

A guy faked a heart attack in 20 different restaurants...just so he didn't have to pay the bill. His downfall: he tried it in the same place more than once. (I wonder what his ambulance costs were?)

The police car cam shows a very interesting encounter, between a man (released from jail early because it's said, he was innocent) -- and the policeman who desperately tried to get him to stop. Hmmmm...was he just as innocent this time around?

How to save money on flights to east Asia.   Or elsewhere. It's as easy as including Singapore in your flight.

'Sometimes angels are in the right place at the right time.'  The officer was there only because he was buying chicken nuggets for his K-9. (The Brick does this regularly for Ruby, as well Spoiled little dog.)

Could this 4,000-year-old engraved rock be the key to a treasure?

What do submariners call UFOs?   I'll give you a hint -- 'fast' is part of the phrase.

How to stay warm this winter.  Without a heater, that is.

Mavis has some good ideas, too.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

So does My Tireless Retirement. 

What is it like to live in a town -- where nearly everyone lives in the same building?  Whittier, AK is like that. (People who take cruises will recognize the name.)

 W. Hodding Carter -- and his quest to cut costs...with his family's grudging cooperation.  (From The Frugal Kitchen) Also from the Kitchen:

Cooking with a small budget. 

A metallic-look dress that changes its print design?  Yes...from Adobe.

Lessons learned from a money hemorrhage.  (From White Coat Investor)

The tawdry story of how Superman's creator was cheated out of his rights -- and royalties. (They got him for Superboy, too.)

'Everything' bagels -- made by YOU.  (From Approaching Food)

Christmas gifts for a buck -- more or less? Yes, from a now-defunct (but still a favorite) blog, Like Merchant Ships. (She also mentions a recipe link to Paula Deen's house seasoning.)

Why student loan repayments won't tank our economy.  (From Financial Samurai -- and I think he's right.)

Did you know the Obamas have been separated since 2022?  (It's just a "trial separation" -- but they spent their recent anniversary apart.) I guess Will Smith and his wife didn't set a precedent...

Funny boss photos.

A woman who spent her time advocating for Palestinian rights-- murdered by Hamas in Israel.

Cheapskate tales.  Hey, I learned some things!

Celebrities with some surprising comments about being rich...and broke.

Have a good week. Enjoy fall while you can -- because winter's coming. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...