Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hot Dogs And Holidays

Welcome to the exciting world of Chez Brick. Yours truly has been doing household stuff and schlepping Daughters #1 and #2 to and fro from the grocery store, doctor and dentist, etc. This afternoon has a date with ironing and AVP (Alien vs Predator, one of my favorite monster/pseudohistorical flicks). Hey, they go together!

After a quick lunch of hot dogs, I started thinking: what's the Thanksgiving menu going to be like? One possibility is to crockpot the mashed potatoes, like this blogger (via Land O'Lakes butter) is suggesting. Hmmm...not a bad idea, considering my family views these as the Holy Grail of Thanksgiving. Whatever isn't snarfed down with gravy gets scooped out, fingerfuls at a time, and eaten cold out of the refrigerator around midnight.

Well, they are good. Here's the recipe:


5 pounds potatoes
1/2 - 1 stick butter (no substitutes)
2 cups milk
salt and fresh-ground pepper

Peel your potatoes. (Save the peels and fry them slowly, then top with cheese while still hot. Oh my.) Cut in half or quarters.
Or save time by going straight to the boiling -- boil the peeled/unpeeled potatoes for approx. 35-40 min., until a fork pierces them easily.  (Peel after draining, while they're still hot. Actually goes faster, and leaves more potato on the peel for the appetizer.)
   Drain your potatoes. (Save the water for soup base or potato rolls. Nothing is wasted to a farmer's wife.)  Pile into the biggest bowl you've got, and grab a large spoon, salad fork or an old-fashioned potato masher. (These have a criscross pattern, and a strong handle.)
    Now mash. Push hard. Keep mashing, until the bits start to blend together. Toss in some butter and a cup of the milk. Mash more. 
    Keep adding milk, a splash at a time, plus butter, until it's incorporated into the potatoes, and you have a creamy mass with a few lumps. Cover the bowl and set it back on the warm stovetop while you finish the rest of the meal.

And yes, they're good with more stuff added: bits of bacon, a scoop or two of sour cream, garlic, finely chopped onion and cheese.

* * * * * * * *


I wanted a way to feature all the wonderful foods of the upcoming holidays -- so ta da! Take a look at my newest blog, CHRISTMAS GOODIES! I'll include old family recipes, plus some quick ideas for great dishes, from appetizers to that great bastion of the holidays -- desserts. Come on over and say hi. 

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