Monday, November 7, 2011

Weird Monday

Strange things are wandering around the Internet today. For example:

*The guy who was living on food stamps in August -- and now is bragging on a $75,000 job he got at a few days notice. (Oh yes, he admits to still being $50,000 in debt. No doubt he's actively paying it down now. Right.) Not sure where to go next on this -- we should ALL go out and do likewise??

*A piece of Saddam Hussein's famous statue (the one that was toppled) was auctioned off in September...a piece of his butt. (The seller, a former British soldier, says that choice was totally random. Sure.)

*That's not the end. (smirk)  Perhaps you'd enjoy reading a new novel about Empress Theodora, who gave a whole new emphasis to the phrase "she slept her way to the top." This one's puzzling, too. So we're supposed to admire her because she had spunk and spirit -- and knew how to influence lots of lovers?? The reviewer sure spends lots of time burbling away about her courage, etc. (Funny - integrity is not on the compliment list.)

*Or perhaps you'd prefer the heartwarming tale of the woman who attacked her elderly father because he wouldn't share his potato salad. 

*And the Russian who gives family living a whole new meaning -- he scavenged 29 corpses from various graveyards, dressed them up and positioned them all around his apartment. (Maybe he needed partners for canasta?)

One more thing: 
*There's a naked guy wandering around Dulles Airport -- but don't worry. He's not a threat.

Makes me grateful for things like dirty clothes and household chores -- at least they make sense. I learned a new trick today: if you've got problems with a spot or two of mildew on your walls (especially in your bathroom), try this: spray it with a 50/50 mixture of bleach and water. (Use one of those fragranced bleaches for a nicer smell -- mine was "clean linen.") Let dry, then wash off with regular water. Solves the problem in a snap! Be sure to remove towels, rugs and other textiles first, though, and stay out of the way of any backsplash or vapor -- bleach spots could spot your clothes.

Husband surprised me with breakfast in bed this morning -- the sweetheart. Guess he realized I was pooped, too. His selection: a sausage-stuffed omelet...and a piece of leftover pizza. The breakfast of champions! 

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