Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Boy oh boy, is it chilly around here. When we went to Small Group last night, it was cold, but dry. By the time we got out, only a few hours later, an inch of snow was on the ground!
    We had a heck of a time driving home, too. The Jeep, thanks to a hunting mishap, is down to two-wheel-drive only, and just couldn't quiiiite make it up on the easier hill to the house. (We have a steeper alternative that is often used by the neighborhood kids for sledding on a day like this.) The Brick had to give the Cherokee a not-so-loving push just to get it to the stop sign, then down the hill to home.

    Woke up to 8 inches of snow on the ground, and lots of drifting. No school. Which means, since the Brick works for the Douglas County school system,  an automatic paid vacation day -- whoo hoo! He's been having fun eating pancakes and playing rude videos, like this telling "Obama Budget Plan" one by Ray Stevens. (Ouch. Maybe TOO close to the truth. But hey, let's ALL follow the guvment plan!) 

    We'll have a fire and Mexican food for supper. Staying close to home today.

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