Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday - Stuff Continued

What's up with me? I wander off, take a lick at this job, wander back, finish up that one, return and finish up this one...just restless, I guess. And the mind is going a bunch of different directions, including:

*Wishing (or maybe not) we'd run into Prince Harry. He was apparently partying in Las Vegas the same time we were. He even went to a Cirque du Soleil performance...though not the one we did. Too bad -- he would have enjoyed the nakey people carpet

*Is there a way to give TOO much? Liz Weston thinks so. (I confess that we have seen this happen, too. Friends that we tried to help out long-term turned right around and took advantage of it, even stealing money before they disappeared. They are no longer friends, sadly.)

*ElfYourself is back, courtesy of Office Max and Jibjab. This is an incredibly fun and silly way to tease your favorite people -- by superimposing their faces on elves who boogie to disco, or in the case of Daughters, jump to funk. This year, they even sing! Use the link provided to see what's possible...and start your own. (Yes girlies, you can kill me now.)

Ah well. Thanksgiving's only a few days away...maybe that's good. Considering the amount of stuff I still need to get done beforehand, maybe it's bad!

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