Thursday, November 17, 2011

Where Did All the Lights Go?

It seemed strangely dark outside last night. Guess I'd gotten used to the blaze of glory that is Las Vegas 24 hours a day. (The Hoover Dam guide said, tellingly, "We provide less than 1% of the power that Las Vegas uses." To which my beady mind replied, "Yeah, and you're one of the biggest sources of power in the U.S. How much exactly DOES Vegas use?" But I stayed quiet...)

We got home and promptly took a nap. Today, I am in the final throes of taking yet another crack at the USPAP exam -- will be back in touch shortly. Including a Full Report on the trip. Promise.

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Made You Look - Stupid

 Or should there be a  dash in this sentence?? Here's another weiner: Or this charmer... With his cheeks sucked in, too. Ugh. And yet an...