Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dead Tarred And...

Just finished the last gig of the year, appraising at Holly's Quilt Cabin in nearby Centennial. (Hi guys! I had a great time -- thank you for all your help!) Tore home, just in time to catch the tail end of the Brick's song at church...then went and stood by the missions committee table for the outreach fair at church. I took care of some other matters, and by the time I got home, the Brick in tow, I realized:

I am just plum tuckered out.  When people say similar stuff, I can relate.

Still some appraisals to go out from yesterday's gig -- some bills to send -- some other writing to do. Even some appraising to do here at home. But I think I will generally lay a bit low this week. Get a few hours of needed sleep. Maybe even read a book or two! We've got another storm moving in tomorrow night; it may be the perfect opportunity to just stay at home and get stuff done here.

Also, both daughters are saying they're heading here tomorrow night to celebrate my September birthday. (I was in Michigan, with the Mama, at the time.)

Sounds wonderful. 

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