Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sylvia Plath Revisited

This American-turned-Brit poet is best known for her last group of Ariel poems...and her suicide. I have always preferred her fiction and nonfiction writing, instead; she was a brilliant essayist. Even her letters home to her family,  filled with notes about home decorating, picking daffodils and making strudel along with poems and manuscripts submitted, have a crinkly aliveness to them that is a pleasure.

Now her daughter Freida Hughes, a good writer in her own right, has brought out a collection of Sylvia's drawings. Take a look at the slideshow -- a sample of Sylvia's work is below.

As the article points out, Sylvia would have turned 79 a day or so ago. What a waste of an incredible talent.

"The Pleasure of Odds and Ends" by Sylvia Plath

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