Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dum, Dum, te-dum...

There are serious weddings (like our recent trip to Adam's and Stephanie's wedding in Michigan), and there are silly weddings. I've been to one where the minister talked about what underwear the groom was wearing underneath his tux! (Remember that, Spencer and Jessica??)

Guess parts of our wedding would be characterized as the latter -- we got married in a forest. INSIDE a church. (It was the day after Christmas, and parents and I went to a Christmas tree lot, got all the leftover trees. Dad nailed stands on them, and set them up across the platform. I'd been backpacking and teaching rock climbing the past two years, and wanted to give that 'outdoorsy' feeling, I guess.)

I don't know how to describe this wedding, but it's put a huge grin on my face for the past few days. It might for you, too.

Yesterday was hot enough to cook eggs. On the sidewalk. On me. We saw "The Proposal" last night --a way better comedy than I'd thought possible, but only because Sandra Bullock and her guy friend are soooo good at what they do. Husband kept sidling up, hissing "chick flick!" and laughing. But HE was the one who wanted to go see it... oh my. Just remembered. There's a wedding in that movie, too!

Today's cooler, but lots of stuff to do. Have yourself a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Ryan Reynolds. His name is Ryan Reynolds. And he is my "buddy."

allie aller said...

OH my gosh, Cindy, this UTube had me bawling before it was half over!!!
Thanks so much for posting....

I Shouldn't Be Laughing...

  Poor guy...