Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Life Goes Round

    Some of the surprising stories I've bumped into lately:

A 73-year-old wedding dress makes its way down the aisle again...worn by the 98-year-old bride who graced it the first time. Agnes Anderson looks just as lovely as she did in 1938. (She wore the dress for a bridal gown show in Muskegon, Michigan.)

On the other end of the spectrum, there's the man who posted 101 Uses For My Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress:

The "pregnant man," Thomas Beatie, has filed for divorce. (He has a new girlfriend, who looks surprisingly like his 'old' wife.) But in April, a judge denied it:

Want a new defensive weapon? Try holding a baby while you're punching...or at least that's what one of these women decided during a fight at a Long Island, NY Chuck E. Cheese:

(Missed it? Go to the 30-second spot in the video.)

Another candidate for the "Best Mom in the World" award was banned from a dollar store in Philly because the employees suspected her of shoplifting. She returned with a can of pepper spray and used it liberally on the employees. Then she handed the can to her 7-year-old daughter and urged her, "You know what to do, Baby. Spray it!"

A Chicago man cleans out the leftover lottery tickets in a cookie jar...and finds one worth $4.85 million. (Just in time, too -- the family was facing foreclosure.)

The CEO of Delta Airlines gives up his own seat, so a woman can make it home in time to pick up her daughter from summer diabetes camp. No one would have known, had she not posted an open letter on her Facebook page. (The Delta people even refused to comment, saying the story stands on its own.)

Us too, I'm afraid. After our trials with the fence-sitting babies, we put up netting and extra posts on the chainlink fence to keep them from roosting there. Then, just out of curiosity to see how they handled it, the Brick and I spent nearly two hours around sunset out on the deck. We talked some, but most of the time was spent watching "the 'chicken channel,'" as the Brick puts it.
      When the first hen tried it, we held our breaths. Would she succeed? (And now what...)
      She lasted 5 seconds up there, then went down in flames. Big sigh of relief. The second through fifth chicken tried it too, and failed. We cheered!
      One of the best shows I've seen in ages. Then again, the neighbors are used to weird stuff happening around here.

Who knows what happens next in this wacky world...

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