Thursday, July 18, 2013

Protecting Your Home...and You

Ever wonder what people on the other side of the law are thinking?

Here are 15 'trade secrets' from a 'burglar,' including several suggestions on things you can do to protect yourself.

Even easier: watch this video of a career criminal's secrets from NBC. (The advice is similar, isn't it.) Or this Youtube selection from the "Secrets of A Thief" series. (You can access the others through this one.)

Actually, we're pretty careful about this. Our neighborhood is just off Colorado's main north-south highway, with easy access on and off. We get a ton of salesmen, especially kids who were obviously dropped off at the beginning of the development, and are just working their way door to door. Yours truly, being a writer, so often home during the day, generally gets to talk to every one of them.

I do it with the screen door closed, and two dogs (Charley and his 'pet,' Abby) nearby. When Buck, our Weimaraner, was still alive, one 'friendly' guy tried to open the screen and push his way in. Buck told him in no uncertain terms to back off and GET OUT.

    Charley, on the other hand, would probably have invited him in for a beer. 

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