Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Relaxed July - For Now, Anyways

Last week was a welcome break -- I didn't have to go anywhere or meet with anyone. Instead, I worked on the computer, messed around with the garden (watered like crazy - it's been hot around here) and read more books than I should have. 
    It was great. 
    This week, back to some appraising, meet some deadlines, and get ready for the Firehouse Quilters show at the fairgrounds. (If you're in the Denver area next week, July 19-20, this is one of the best quilt shows in Colorado.) 
     Meanwhile, I saw these interesting items on the Internet:

Wallpapering...with gift wrap! A Thoughtful Place makes this look easy.

A hatful of weird facts about King Tut's mummy -- including the welcome news that his body was chopped up in pieces and scraped out of its golden coffin with hot knives. (Try to get that mental image out of your mind!)

Chocolate oatmeal cookie bars that are no-bake...and healthy, to boot? Gotta try 'em, Moneysaving Mom.

How a family of four lives on less than $14,000 a year. (From Business Insider)

Donna Freedman's poetic look at the end of summer. (In Alaska, it's not far around the bend.)

Five insanely cool courtyards -- especially if your house isn't very big, to begin with.

An unusual DIY yard art project, from Southern Hospitality.  I was surprised how much this 'grew' on me after a while...

40 crockpot meals, ready for the freezer in four hours. (No, I'm not making this up. It's called 'organizing.' (From Who Needs A Cape.) While I was wandering around her site, I came across the recipe for chicken tortilla soup that sounds a lot like Chili's version. (I love Chili's chicken enchilada soup!) Will try this soon.

NQA Annual Quilt Show winners.  No photos -- but you'll recognize many of these names.

The teacher who wore the same outfit to school pictures every year...for forty years. (He's back in style again, too!)

Easy biscuits...made with 7Up!   (From Money Beagle.)

JC Brooks and the Uptown Sound have been percolating in my mind, ever since I Am Trying to Break Your Heart. See what you think of this selection, "Sister Ray Charles." If you enjoy the blues, you're in for a treat. (Weird video, GREAT song!)

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...