Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Buying A Car

After months of jockeying schedules, doubling up on errands whenever possible, and doing what we can, there seems to be no doubt: we need a second car. 
     I'm starting into the busy season for gigs -- beginning with an PAAQT appraisers conference this coming week in Shipshewana, Indiana. With the Brick needing our Cherokee to get to work, there's nothing to do but rent a car. They're going for $40-50 a day in Denver right now, but the Brick found a $15/day car in Colorado Springs. (Whew) I'll use it to get to the conference, make a quick visit to Michigan to see family, and bring back the Mama to stay for August. Somehow, before I leave Tuesday morning, I've got to finish packing, clear away a big batch of appraisal work, and get the two guest bedrooms ready. Not only is the Mama coming back, but nephew Andrew is coming to visit soon after.
     We've been looking for the right vehicle, but so far, nothing fits. If you're looking to sell a 2010 or 2011 Subaru Outback in good condition, send me a quick message -- we might be interested! Meanwhile, on the Internet horizon:

A great "how I did it" video profile of Mr. Money Mustache, one of my favorite bloggers. (And a Coloradoan, to boot. He's also got an interesting post listing  50 jobs paying $50,000 or more...without a degree.

How hackers can disable your car's functions, including the brakes, by using their laptops. Are you as scared by the potential of this report as I am? (From Forbes)

Getting the most out of a garage sale. (From Get Rich Slowly)

Yours truly is still writing a lot for PF sites, especially Midlife Finance (my primary gig) and Penny Thots. A sampling:
    How much can you withdraw from your savings after retirement? (MLF)
    Five life lessons learned at a shooting range (PT - wonder how I got this idea?)
    Should you pay off your house? (MLF)
    Smoothies, iced coffee and other summer refreshments (PT)
    Twenty ways to play this summer...without spending a lot of extra money (MLF)
    Social Security, healthcare, and other things to obsess about (MLF)

Hitchhiking: frugal transportation or death wish? (Tight-Fisted Miser's title alone makes the post worth reading...

Dealing with people who who tear you up inside. But you still must, regardless. I Pick Up Pennies has the scoop, poor girl.

Donna Freedman, on the value of a stockpile.  If you ever get into trouble, this is one of your safeguards. Call it hedging your bets.

And for inspiration:

Have a peaceful week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...