Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas...and Even After


The treeful of gifts has been decimated -- but there's some benefit in having your kids suddenly turn into adults. (They actually help clean up!) The fish dishes were a great success -- but the Brick and I ended up wrapping presents until 1:30 a.m., to make up for the festivities. That made dragging ourselves out of bed this morning doubly hard.

But that's all done now. Supper's played with the Mama, the girlies and Keith. Jess is discussing finances with her dad; Angel and Keith are goofing around in the dining room...

and the Mama's gone to bed. (Nope, she's talking to the kids.) Christmas music drifts over the air...and my eyes keep closing. (Yes, that tired.)

 Hope you had a wonderful Christmas today.

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