Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Speeding Toward the New Year

Whoa, where has this year gone?!?  
     The Mama flew back to Michigan today, after her holiday visit -- they have a heck of a lot more snow than we do in Colorado right now. (Don't tell the ski resorts; they're busy making snow, and praying for more.) We have a New Year's Eve party to go to tomorrow night, but other than that, plan to spend a peaceful (and quiet) New Year together. Who knows what 2014 will bring! 

An easy (and memorable) New Year's dinner -- from yours truly, via Penny Thots.

Giving wisely -- making your donations count. Also from yours truly, on Midlife Finance.

"My so-called privileged, upper-class life." An honest look at guilt, jealousy and getting ahead, by Her Every Cent Counts.

Linda Taylor, one of America's original "welfare queens."

Free  apps -- 130 of them! (Thanks, Smart Apps for Kids)

Ten easy DIY projects that cost less than $25. (From Apartment Therapy)  Like this concrete stool from HomeMade Modern:

I also thought Apartment Therapy's Small Space Solutions contest winners, held back in 2012, particularly helpful.

Celebrities who are related -- but via marriage. And there's a surprising mix here...did you know, for example, that Mark Harmon was Ricky Nelson's brother-in-law? 

A great dessert on a tight budget: vinegar pie. (Think custard pie, if you're having problems with that idea. It tastes very similar.) Thanks, Pretty Hungry

He finally made it through the Obamacare process -- but Andy at Tight Fisted Miser had a lot of hoops to jump through. One guy's struggle to complete the application, and get health insurance.

Another look at "Dear Jane:" The Jane Stickle Civil War era quilt celebrated its 150th anniversary this year.

Happy New Year, dear friends, from all of us here at the Brick house:
      Cindy, Dave, Charley, Abby...and of course, the chickies

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...