Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Hustling Toward Christmas

It's almost 11:30 p.m...and I'm just getting around to putting up the Monday Stuff list.
Does that give you an idea of what today -- the whole week, for that matter -- has been like?

The Mama is busy planning for Christmas dinner, while I take care of the Seven Fish Dishes for Christmas Eve. A big pile of presents still need to be wrapped -- but we had to run several errands today, instead. 
     I have this awful feeling that once again, the Brick and I will be wrapping presents at 1 a.m. Christmas morning, instead of blissfully asleep in bed. 
    Hopefully all of your preparations are DONE, and you'll just relaxing. Meanwhile:

Got a Kindle?  Get a free copy of  'A Charlie Brown Christmas!' 

Dark Chocolate Salted Almond Fudge...that's gluten-free and sugar-free. Oh my.  (From Freelance Homeschool Mom)

Making an easy backdrops for photos -- including things to sell. (From Bloglovin)

Things Grandma taught me. (From yours truly, via Midlife Finance)

The biggest technology flops for 2013. Some of these may surprise you.

French Toast cups with Eggnog syrup. Yum. (From Baked Bree)

Entertaining with little space or cash. (From Slate) One of the best: serve your box wine in a decanter, and it automatically 'improves' the taste!

A bittersweet photo series of a dad and his daughter --  when she was 3, and again at her marriage.

A two hour house-cleaning plan. (From MoneySaving Mom) Oh, that I could actually do it this fast...but some good ideas here, nonetheless.

Government assistance -- is it just a given, or should some say "No?"  They did in Australia... (From Monster Piggy Bank)

Different ways to display manger scenes. (from yours truly, via Penny Thots -- go to the authors page, and you'll see more posts.)

Peppermint adult -- or kid-friendly - milkshakes. (From Who Needs A Cape?)

And if the money issue's looking a little scary --
    How to Live on Beans and Rice for a Week, via But First, We Have Coffee
    Here's Moneysaving Mom's rev on the same subject. 

And finally, something to get your funny bone going -- a very silly rendition of Christmas Jammies:

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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An Australian garrison in Tobruk during WWII that became infamous during an 8 month siege against an armored German/Italian Afrika corps. Th...