Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Getting Ready for the Holidays

Strange -- I've actually somewhat enjoyed vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms and putting stuff away this past week. Lest you think I've lost my mind, remember that 1)I haven't had much time to do this stuff the past few weeks, and 2) the Mama will arrive on Wednesday for a Christmas visit, and I want it to look nice around here. We haven't put up the Christmas tree yet, but I'm guessing the Mama will enjoy helping out with that. She's already got big plans for making Christmas cookies and breads.
      Why is it, though, that the more you clean, the dirtier it gets? Part of the problem may be the mud the dogs track in -- while the rest of the country has been shivering and shoveling snow, we've had slightly above freezing temps, up into the 60s -- and dirt. (Ok, we shiver too, but at night.)
      While I empty the trash and make up the guest bed, you might enjoy these:

Twenty surprising facts about the movie National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Being frugal AND organized. Some very practical ideas here, including setting a workable schedule. (From Thrifty Fun)

Best places to find personalized gifts -- at a reasonable price. (From Money Beagle)

A 3.5kg gold nugget ("The Slugget") found in Australia, near old 1856 mine workings. Turns out some other large nuggets have been found in this area, too...

In keeping with the theme: a 25,000 pound (as in worth 25,000!) gold cross, found with a metal detector. Some up-close photos, and a long and loving description by its finder. A beautiful piece.

How to bless the less fortunate -- without making them feel like heels. A two-parter, from Moneysaving Mom. Part I is here...  Part II is here.

So Heidi and Spencer blew $10 million in less than three years. Should we feel sorry for the poor little things? Maybe they can talk to Linda Tirado about a gofundme page. (I'll give a penny.)

Weird (old) things found in the snow. 

And interesting ways to get that snow off your car. (From The Weather Channel) 

Candy cane cookies. (From Who Needs A Cape?) These are easy, and will dress up a cookie plate.

A boy dodges cars to rescue a dog hit in traffic -- and photos capture it all.

Try an Irish goodbye (or a French exit or Dutch leave) at the next party you go to!

Prince Harry made it to the South Pole! (Bet you didn't even know he'd left.) 

A surprisingly honest look at becoming a writer. (By J.D. Roth of Get Rich Slowly fame)

And in honor of the soon-to-come-out Anchorman 2, one of the funniest fight scenes in film history, from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy --

Have a great week.

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An Australian garrison in Tobruk during WWII that became infamous during an 8 month siege against an armored German/Italian Afrika corps. Th...