Saturday, December 7, 2013

Waiting For the New Hobbit

Are you a big fan of the Lord of the Rings, too?

I read them back in college, as a break from the realities of school. Somehow, wandering around on the plains with the gallant Riders of Rohan was a heck of a lot more interesting than filling the ice cream machine at the cafeteria. (One of my several jobs back then to pay tuition.) Although the Brick also read them about this time while in the Navy (we hadn't met yet), he came at them straight. My entry into this wonderful universe was more indirect -- I'd studied C.S. Lewis' books, and Tolkien was Lewis' friend.

We've been re-watching Peter Jackson's flicks, getting ready for:

The first Hobbit movie was terrific,

giving me high hopes for the new one, too.

There's actually a blog you can follow, if you're a Hobbit-lover. I must say...also being a huge Sherlock fan has given me a giggle about Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch starring together in this movie, as well...except in the Hobbit, Freeman is the head star, and it's reversed in SherlockGo figure. They do work well together, but it's one of the odder combinations in filmdom. (P.S. How do they show up together in the Hobbit movie? Benedict is the dragon...)

C'mon time. Go, open, open.

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