Friday, April 19, 2019

A Major Change in Plans

If you read my blog for just for the posts about Bigfoot, weird stuff and fabulous textiles, stop now. Go have a cup of coffee and read elsewhere --

    Because this is personal.

Remember the fifth-wheel trailer we have been planning to move into, once our house is sold?

Yep, that one. Poor baby.

Well, it's gone. the insurance company.

We had a small fender-bender on the tail end of That Big Blizzard. (You know the one I'm talking about, don't you, fellow Westerners...) Another area on the trailer was banged up, as well. (The truck was fine, by the way.)
Also noticed: a water leak on the roof. All told, it didn't seem like that big a deal.

So we took the trailer into the repair people for an estimate --

Who noticed a lot more leaks hiding under the roof and behind the wall panels. And gave us a hefty price on total repair costs. A very hefty price.  Frustrating.


The insurance company said it wasn't worth it to fix...and gave us 24 hours to get our stuff out before they hauled it away.

Which they did, yesterday.

What just happened??

It's clear to us that we're supposed to put the house on the market this spring. That's the prime focus for the coming weeks. We had then planned to move... into the trailer.
     As Rob Gronkowski says, "Oopsies..."

Now what?!?

We're not sure. Either way, the house we're living in is God's house -- He owns it, not us. The trailer was His, too. We'll work on the house, look for some mode of storage for the things we plan to keep...and trust God to point out what to do next.

He's never let us down yet. 


Melody said...

Cindy, we've been full time since August 1, 2017 and hubby now wants to buy a home, but not in California. I love very the RV life but have health issues. We're looking at the south as an option abd then maybe a small class C that I can drive. I'm trusting God to direct our paths. I'll pray the same for you.

Cindy Brick said...

That's the best thing you can say, Melody -- "trusting God to direct our paths."

Good luck with answering your own dilemmas on this...thanks so much for your prayers. (I will reciprocate.) Do come back and let me know, once you've got your answers!

Thanks for writing.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.