Thursday, April 4, 2019

Five Things Noticed At the Airport

    That's where we were, pretty much all day today.

We spent the past week in Michigan, visiting relatives.

From, via Pinterest

Things noticed on our way home:

*Why was the Grand Rapids airport fairly quiet...and Chicago/Midway just crammed? Did Michigan schools not have spring break this week, like practically everyone else? Our plane out of Grand Rapids was half-empty; the Chicago flight to Denver didn't have a single empty seat.

*Three words: Chicago hot dog. I just love this garlicky, crunchy handful of goodness -- even if I make a mess eating it.

The Gold Coast version of this delicacy

*Where were the Muslims...or the Indians (from India), for that matter? Hardly anyone noticed in traditional dress at either airport. (Maybe they're all still on school schedule.)

*Why in the world would you put a sushi place at a major airport? Others must have wondered, as well. While pretty much every restaurant in the food court had long lines, Kabo Sushi was doing a bangup business -- only about two orders processed during the hour we were eating (you guessed it) our Chicago hot dogs.
     I did notice a brand-new sushi spot at DIA in Denver -- but they were smart enough to offer Chinese food, as well. And they were quite busy. (Funny, I didn't think the Chinese did sushi.)

Normally, I like sushi. But in an airport??
This one's at Chicago/Midway.

*A lot of people weren't just traveling -- they were working. I noticed many laptops and spreadsheets out. Maybe because of tax time approaching?
     (Granted, this is the same place I had the psychic experience at last year.)

And, when we got home,  a total switch:

For once, Colorado has Michigan beat in garden matters. Our lawns are much greener, and the spring flowers definitely have a headstart on the Mitten State. Our family back there says it's because they had so much snow and cold in the past month. I would have thought we did, too... but whaddaya know.

It's nice to be home.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.