Friday, April 12, 2019


Well. This has been one of the crappier weeks in our year, full of dental work, repairs needed on the trailer, and some rather scary financial moments. (Thankfully the latter have mostly smoothed out.)

Is God trying to tell us something?

Or are we having these 'teachables' to prepare for something wonderful in the future?

It's hard to say. 

Now on to finish up the taxes -- and hopefully have a weekend that's more peaceful.

Thankfully, He takes hold of us left-handers, too.


Quiltwhisper said...

There are times when I've hesitated to pray for patience because I knew it would bring more chances to exercise and grow more patience in my life! Hang in there!

Cindy Brick said...

Thanks so much for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.

It was one of those weeks where something bad happens -- you recover from it 'Ah, that's finished -- and BANG, the next thing in line happens. Oh joy.

This too shall pass. I'm debating whether I should stop praying for this will all stop!

Thanks so much for writing.

Jeannie said...

Thank you for posting the scripture. I so needed it today. No, I really needed it yesterday. I ESPECIALLY needed it the day before. Sigh. I will probably need to read it again tomorrow.


PS: I have copied it to a post-it note on my computer desktop.

Cindy Brick said...

I'm glad I could share it. It has helped me through these past two hectic (and often discouraging and frustrating) weeks. Hang in there, guys!

Thanks so much for writing.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.