Sunday, April 7, 2019

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Work

I had a wonderful time with the girls in the Pride City Quilt Guild in Pueblo Saturday. A new appraiser accompanied me to scribe...which was especially nice. We looked at the quilts on exhibit, as well. Keep up the great work, guild members! (I especially enjoyed your emphasis on scrap quilts -- there were some terrific ones there.) Take a look yourself at some of the show quilts by clicking here.
     Lots of work to do this week. Am I feeling energized? Nope. Discouraged is more like it...But I persevere. There are things that need to be done --  and they need to be done this week. 
     Better get to it.

Miz Catherine Waiters, via Pinterest

Cheap Broadway show tickets -- LOTS of options here.  (From Moneysaving Mom)

50 lessons learned in 50 years of living...from J.D. Roth of Get Rich Slowly.

Make-ahead butterhorns.  You can even freeze these croissant-type rolls ahead, then bake them up fresh later.  (From Moneysaving Mom)

The ten best things I ever bought.  (From Len Penzo) And now, because you need to know the flip side:

The ten worst things Len Penzo ever boughtIlluminating.

Ten lessons learned about retirement -- from a retirement pro after he retired.

Is this possible? Could Vitamin C cure sepsis? 

What lets you save money the quickest? Is it food, entertainment...or something else you should be cutting back on?

"The mystery Samoan in my family tree."  An intriguing story of DNA discoveries.

M-Turk...and other ways to use your computer to earn at home.  (From The Work At Home Wife)

Rachel Dolezal settled her welfare fraud case. But she still thinks she's black...

What's it like to be a mermaid?

Renaissance era paintings, including dozens of portraits, are found under the plaster of a Polish castle. 

Lifestyles of the rich and foolish(From Get Rich Slowly)

Have a great week.

1 comment:

jude's page said...

Hi Cindy, thanks for your comment on my blog, and yes I do check on yours quite often, but get a bit slack in leaving comments, always in a hurry these days.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.