Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Well, It's Back...

It's snowing. Again.

Colorado has had plenty of late-season snows before... although we've had more than usual this year. The poster child was May 1898, with at least an inch (and often more) on five consecutive days.

Storms like this are unpredictable, in part because the mountains tend to either protect us from the elements -- or hug them closer. The higher altitude doesn't help, either. (We live at 6250 ft, versus Denver's 'mile-high' altitude. Daughter #2 and Son #1 live a few thousand feet higher than we do.) We could just as easily get a few inches, as we could a few feet. Go figure.

We don't have any commitments tonight or tomorrow. I have homemade rye bread to make, plus jam to simmer. Even if the power goes off, we've got the woodstove and warm doggies.

Do your best, late Winter!  We'll be fine.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.