Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: The T---- Word

We are deep in the final steps of that great American pastime: TAXES. Papers are piled everywhere, and the calculator's getting a regular workout. This year, I wised up and used any year-end online statements I could find. In previous years, I laboriously gathered all the paper statements, then went through them, one by one. 
      The only problem with this approach: the computer doesn't always separate out items like it should. Sometimes the business restaurant meal (deductible) is lumped in with a trip to the feedstore. (Not deductible, darn it.) That means I still have to trudge down the columns to double-check numbers and totals...but at least it doesn't take quite so long as the paper method. 

      The end is near. 

Hopefully you've got a refund coming...

Instead of having to pay.

Don't forget -- there are good tax day freebies out there. You might as well take advantage of them.

The difference between pounds, shillings, sovereigns, pence -- and other English money. If you read older British novels, this website is most helpful.

Ten cases of people sporting odd colors. Including the green kids from one ever figured out where they came from.   (Thanks, Listverse) Add to that this fun note:

Ten incredibly wealthy people you would NOT want to trade places with. There now...don't you feel better?

Ten beautiful DIY kitchens -- before and after photos included(From Emily Henderson)

Pizza bake.  A keto-friendly dish that sounds easy to make...and tastes wonderful.  (From Simply A Keto Lifestyle)

The five grocery label phrases shoppers waste the most money on.  (From Len Penzo)

Cheesemaking notes from a beginner's viewpoint.  Some day I AM going to start making my own.  (From A Better Whey) 

Lovely mansions of old-time Hollywood stars. Take note, Gentle Readers, that those same houses, while more than 'comfortable,' are not generally valued at the big bucks many modern celebrities are paying. (Okay -- Gene Hackman's was $27 million -- but that's what he sold it for in 2015.) Smart.

A beautiful quilt show in Pulaska, TN...and a bunch of very strange painted turkeys. Each to his own...

The ongoing story of a summerhouse -- built a little at a time from pallets, doors and other leftovers. I would love to try something like this. (From Life After Money)

Kim Kardashian plans to take the bar exam and become a lawyer. (According to the report, she doesn't have to put in any time in school -- just pass the exam. Why not?)

One of the first photos ever of a black hole. Wow.

More about the Chinese woman arrested at Mar-A-Lago.  And it ain't good.

Ten royal medieval recipes you can make at home.  (From Listverse) Also from them:

Ten amazing people who accomplished wonders -- without arms and/or legs.

 A Bigfoot a rest area?   One of the creepier stories I've heard lately.

Bigfoot was also hanging around not long after Mount St. Helens exploded. Or so we're told.

A new (to me) British blogger: Crafty Cats Corner. If you're an embroidery admirer, scroll down through her posts -- she's doing wonderful work.

Cattle rustling -- today in Colorado. It's more common than you'd think.

What it's like to grow up with more money than you can spend.  Roy Disney's daughter tells her experience.

Ten real-life water oddities.  (From Listverse)

The story of a new baby...colt!  LOTS of photos.  (Thanks, Get Me to the Country)

Did you know Rob Gronkowski, who just retired from the Patriots, had 3 brothers who also played in the a brother who played professional baseball? His mom says she feels like she's retiring, too.

Crazy purchases twenty celebrities made after their first big paydays.

Imitation pulled pork -- from banana peels. She says it's "yummy." I'm not so sure.  (From Penniless Parenting)

Egg cups for breakfast -- these do well in the freezer, too.  (From Thrifty Mom in Boise)

Cherokee inscriptions from a few centuries back are finally decoded.

An old girlfriend, dressed in her own wedding gown, crashes her ex's wedding and begs him to take her back.  Really?? Maybe she's just a drama queen...or this was a setup.

Mail your taxes -- then have a great week.


Jeannie said...

Thank you for featuring me on your blog! It is an honor!

Cindy Brick said...

Jeannie, I love reading your was a pleasure. I hope I've introduced others to you!

Thanks so much for writing.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.