Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: A Bit Harried

Not 'hurried,' though that's factoring in, too. Nine hundred bazillion jobs to finish up in less than two weeks -- and oh yes, Christmas to be celebrated, too! We are clocking items off. If we work steadily, everything will get done. At least the important stuff, like an extension on taxes and the Seven Fish Dishes.
     The cruise tickets arrived. The India visas came through -- no problem. Apparently they're nicer than some of the other countries, or they're not as strict, and let these yahoos come visit. Who knows. The Brick realized that China had granted both of us visas, but mine is for 10 years, and his for 30 days. Weird. 
     Taking typhoid pills right now, which leave both of us a bit nauseous and flu-ish. Oh goody. At least it's warm and sunny here in our living spot. The sun feels good.

Some beautiful vintage Christmas ornaments...found in the thrift shop. Lucky girl!  (From Living Rich on the Cheap)

Bill Clinton's advice to President Trump on his impeachment? The answer surprised me -- see what you think. (I'll give you a hint, Gentle Readers; it could be summed up in three words.)

Alan Alda said he didn't think about divorcing his wife of 60 years... but she probably contemplated murder occasionally. No doubt the Brick has had the same thoughts now and then in 38+ years...

Ten strange exhumation stories. Did you know that Sammy Davis Jr's body was disinterred, so his wife could retrieve $70,000 of jewelry buried with him? Shades of Dante Gabriel Rossetti... (From Listverse)

Laura Ingalls Wilder's gingerbread recipe -- and some others. (She was famous for it, by the way.) A classic from yours truly, resurrected thanks to Cuz Amanda.

Comfort foods that are easy to make. A recipe for Biscuits and Gravy in casserole form? Sign me up!  (From Betty Crocker)

What were typical diets like in medieval times?  An interesting slideshow from Ranker.

Christmas comes but once a year...why not relax and enjoy it? I'm saying that to myself, as much as to you, Gentle Readers. Have a great week.

1 comment:

Cheapchick said...

Thanks for the shout out!


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.