Wednesday, December 18, 2019

God Bless...And Updates

(And good for President Trump spending Thanksgiving with the soldiers supporting us.)

     Merry Christmas.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We got back to Colorado late last night. The trailer's parked where it will spend the next six months or so...and we (especially the Brick) are grateful not to have to do any more driving! From Michigan to Tucson, AZ, it was three long days -- and from Tucson to home, it was two long days.
      McDonald's was very happy we did it, though. Their breakfasts were consistently good throughout the trip. (I wish I could say the same thing about their coffee.)

Thank you, Tucson Quilters Guild, for your many kindnesses! I really enjoyed my visit with you. (Tomorrow, look for some pieces from their challenge -- inventive.)

We've made progress getting ready for the upcoming trip, but there's still a lot to do. I have several appraisals and a few restorations to finish off. The Brick wants to get some updates done on the fifth-wheel and winterize it, but also has some paperwork to finish up. (He did get our visa applications for India done --  FOUR HOURS. We're waiting for a response.)

And of course, there's Christmas and the Seven Fish Dishes to think about. We have a little forest of bottlebrush trees, and a Nativity scene set up inside...which Daughters, no doubt, will rearrange to their satisfaction.

Let's see them try to reformat this one.

     Lots of snow just an hour south of us, but it thinned out to nothing by the time we reached Castle Rock. Our current spot is close to the mountains, so it still had some white when we pulled in. That's nearly all gone today, though, thanks to the sun.
     The Brick saw a herd of elk and some antelope on the trip home. (I did not notice; I was reading aloud lost treasure stories about the places we traveled through.) Here at our home base, we've already seen a coyote and several deer, including a beautiful four-point buck. Hey, hunting season is over -- why not come out and flaunt it!

No leopards around here... the mountain lions took them out.

Upward and onward.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.